Chapter 7

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"Why?" Hyunjin whined as he swept his sweaty hair off his forehead.

"Why not?" Jisung whined back before going back to his juice box.

"Cause I'd be a third wheel! This lunch is awkward as it is." Hyunjin mumbled the last part, but Minho still heard it.

"What do you mean?" Hyunjin gave him an incredulous look. "What?"

Minho didn't see anything wrong with Jisung cutely sitting in his lap while they ate their lunches. It was actually quite convenient when they felt like sharing food. However, Minho had to be on his guard or else Jisung might eat all his food when he wasn't looking.

Hyunjin rolled his eyes at the couple before Jisung felt the need to say something.

"But really Hyunjin, you should come!"

"I don't dance." Hyunjin deadpanned, hoping they would drop it.

"I don't either! Minho's the only one with experience in the entire class!" Jisung leaned into his boyfriend to show his appreciation only to receive an embarrassed shove in return. Jisung pouted, but continued to try and convince Hyunjin.

"Pleeeease! It'll be fun!" Hyunjin sighed.

"What time?" He asked begrudgingly.

Jisung fist pumped and almost punched Minho in the face causing Minho to lean away quickly and lose his balance. The two boys giggled from the floor as Jisung yelled out '6:30 Friday' to an utterly confused Hyunjin.

As the two gathered themselves back up, a piercing shriek rang through the cafeteria followed by a high pitched 'Jinnie!'

Hyunjin turned around just in time to intercept a huge hug from his bus companion. The couple raised their eyebrows at the scene. It was obvious from yesterday that Minho thought Felix was strange, but everyone else seemed used to his antics, so the hug gained minimal attention.

Hyunjin smiled and hugged back before guiding Felix to sit beside him. Felix sat, but stayed completely attached with his head resting on Hyunjin's shoulder.

"You... know each other?" Minho gave them a suspicious look while pointing at them with his spoon. Felix was already in his own little world, cuddling Hyunjin and scrolling through his phone, so Hyunjin had to answer.

"He rides my bus." Minho nodded slowly, still slightly confused as to how that explained the current situation.

"OMG! Jinnie, look at this!" Felix showed him a cute picture of a dog with flowers surrounding it.

"Cute!" Hyunjin squealed, earning a sweet smile from Felix.

"Show me~" Jisung whined. Felix looked up as if he had just noticed Jisung existed, which was probably true.

"You gonna show me or just stare at me? I mean I know I'm hot, but..." Felix blinked a little before registering the words.

"Oh, yeah. Here." He turned his screen towards the other boy and Jisung's eyes widened in realization.

"You follow this page too?" He said excitedly.

"You know this page?" Felix now looked as excited as the squirrel boy.

"Yeah, dude! I couldn't get over that corgi picture last week!"

"Me neither! Corgis are my favorite!"

"Dude!" Minho and Hyunjin looked at each other with amused, lost expressions.

"Uh, Babe? Hyunjin and I would love to know what you're talking about."

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