Chapter 2

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Hyunjin peeled off his shirt in an small room that connected to the main front office.

He sighed as the back of it stuck to his skin, since it was soaked in coke.

What was that guy doing that he just ran into me like I wasn't there?

Hyunjin guessed texting, because after the initial shock of a cold liquid running down his back, he had registered the sound of a phone hitting the ground followed by a dramatic "Oh my gosh!" come from the guy who had just bumped into him.

Hyunjin had expected the guy to ask if he was okay or at least say sorry, but instead he had watched the guy cradle his phone like a baby for about ten seconds while talking to it like it was alive and needed comforting from the traumatic experience of being dropped.

The guy then stood up abruptly and sent Hyunjin a funny look before trying to drink out of his coke can. After trying twice to quench his thirst the guy realized it was empty. He pouted for a second and then just scrunched it in his hand as he walked off towards the trash can.

At the time, Hyunjin had just blinked trying to take it all in, but now he was contemplating how someone could be that oblivious to his surroundings.

He couldn't fathom being that socially awkward. At least he knew enough to have basic manners.

Whatever, right now he just needed a new shirt and quick,  because he had left his food by Jisung and Hyunjin was pretty sure Jisung would be stealing his fries by now.

He held his shirt in front of him and groaned at the sight of the weird, splotchy, brown stain on the back of it. If Hyunjin looked close enough, it kinda resembled one of those pictures they showed you in therapy sessions. The ones you had to find shapes in? Yeah, those.

A knock on the door interrupted Hyunjin's train of thought as another student walked in with a new shirt.

"Sorry it's wrinkled, but it's better than being all wet." Hyunjin smiled weakly at the comment and accepted the shirt. He felt really embarrassed that this had happened on his first day of school.

"You're the new student, right?" Hyunjin nodded, hoping the short answer would make the guy leave and let him go back to lunch faster, but unfortunately it didn't because soon the guy was full on cackling.

Hyunjin was confused. Had he missed something? All he knew was he was hungry.

"Sorry," the guy said in between laughs, "it's just that most people don't have their 'Lee Felix' moment until at least a week in, so it must stink to have it happen on your first day. I would say I feel bad, but at least now you know."

"What?" Hyunjin didn't know what a 'Lee Felix' was, but it sounded weirdly foreign.

"The guy that ran into you. His name is Lee Felix. He's Instagram famous, but a total mess in real life. You're lucky you just got away with a coke spill."

"Oh...." That's why he cared more about his phone than me. Hyunjin thought.

"Oh! I forgot to introduce myself! Choi Kaiyong, student council treasurer!" The guy stuck out his hand and gave Hyunjin a huge smile. It seemed a little overboard and formal, but Hyunjin returned the handshake while also giving his name.

Kaiyong laughed at how uncomfortable he seemed.

"Sorry, this must be a lot for your first day."

Hyunjin chuckled quietly and looked at the floor.

"Yeah, kinda."

"Well at least Minho hasn't found you yet. We should save a little excitement for later, shouldn't we?"

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