Chapter 16

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Changbin entered the bus slowly, dragging his legs and belaboring each step. A dramatic sigh escaped his lips as he made it to the top of the steps and surveyed the long row of brown, tattered seats.

One in particular caught his attention and he began to walk towards it. The walk was short, but that didn't mean he wasn't exhausted when he finally reached the seat. He fell into the seat across from the one he had been eyeing and looked over at the boys beside him.

In the seat was his Lix, straddling Hyunjin, arms around his chest, and cheek on his shoulder. He was facing Changbin, mouth slightly open and head deep in dream land.

Hyunjin's arms rested around the boy, one hand at the base of his neck and the other fisting the fabric of his sweatshirt at his lower back.

Changbin tilted his head to the same angle as Felix's and smiled.

He liked seeing Felix this relaxed.

However, as his eyes flicked up to Hyunjin's face, the smile vanished and worry started to overtake him. He frantically poked Hyunjin's arm, making said boy wrinkle his nose up in disgust.

"What?" Hyunjin's voice croaked out, his shoulders caving around Felix and his eyes still closed.

"Is Felix okay?"

Hyunjin squinted his eyes open and peered down at the sleeping boy.

"Looks like it. Did you really wake me up for that?" Changbin sheepishly stared at his lap and crossed one arm over his body and scratched at the back of his neck.

"Well... uh... it's just... your face..."

Changbin waved a hand in Hyunjin's direction. Hyunjin realized what he was talking about and ran a hand down his face, smearing the tear tracks.

"Sorry, that was me. He's fine."

"Oh, thank goodness," Changbin let out a relieved sigh, "I thought something happened."

His gaze lingered on Felix, but he relaxed his head against the seat.

"Nah, nothing to worry about." Hyunjin lightly patted Felix's back before closing his eyes once again, only subconsciously acknowledging Changbin's hum of a reply.

The boys stayed cuddled together the entire bus ride, peaceful expressions on their faces. It was as if nothing was wrong for those few minutes.

It made Changbin feel lonely.

When was the last time he felt as safe as Felix looks? He couldn't remember.

The bus pulled into the school and swung into a parking spot. The abrupt turn caused Hyunjin to stick his arm out and brace himself while also steadying Felix.

Once they were stopped, Changbin watched as Hyunjin rubbed Felix's back and sleepily whispered in his ear.

After some whining on Felix's part, the chests of the two boys detached and Felix sat up, his eyes not capable of staying open for more than a second. Hyunjin chuckled at the boy and carded his fingers through Felix's hair, fixing the messy strands.

"Baby, you gotta wake up." Felix whined and leaned into the feeling of Hyunjin's hands in his hair.

"I know, Bubs, but the bus driver will get mad if we don't get off soon." Felix opened his eyes, finally awake enough to keep them open.

"Is Jinnie okay now?" Hyunjin's heart swelled at the question.

"Yes, Baby. I'm fine. Now let's get going, okay?" Felix nodded and swung one leg over Hyunjin and hopped on one leg to try and stand on two feet. Hyunjin grabbed his hand to stop him from falling over. It didn't help much, but they both managed to stand up without collapsing.

Dark to Baby: A Changjin StoryWhere stories live. Discover now