Chapter 6

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"What's up, Seungmin from chorus?" Seungmin glared at the new kid as they grabbed chairs from the stack and proceeded to place them in the right section.

"What? I was just trying to start a conversation!"

"Well maybe you shouldn't. It's awkward." Seungmin raised his eyebrows for effect before turning away from Hyunjin and plopping down on his chair.

Feeling uncomfortable and a little hurt, Hyunjin kept his eyes on the floor as he also sat down.

Fortunately for him, the other people in his section were nice, so for the few minutes before class started they all talked about random things. Every once in a while, Hyunjin would glance back at Seungmin to see him looking through his music and ignoring the people around him. Boring.

It didn't take long for the director to make his way to the piano and silence the class by playing a dramatic chord.

Hyunjin quickly took out his music folder from his backpack, placed it on his chair, and stood up for warm ups.

The room became peaceful as the students calmly stretched out the stress of the day. That was until the door swung open with a 'BANG!'

Hyunjin jumped as his arms contorted into a trex position.

"Chan, I know bang is in your name, but is it really necessary for the sound to follow you around?" The director joked.

The late student smiled sheepishly at the director and muttered a sorry before going to his seat that happened to be beside Seungmin. Hyunjin hadn't noticed anyone get an extra seat, but if Seungmin's smile was any indication, he must be the reason for it.

The class quickly regrouped and continued warming up, but Hyunjin couldn't concentrate because of the constant whispering coming from his left. In between every exercise, Seungmin and the 'bang' guy would start talking.

Sure, they had probably been in chorus for at least a year now and knew what was happening, but Hyunjin was still learning the routine. He couldn't even hear the director's limited directions, and then he was just expected to sing something random.

After five minutes of the same thing in a row, Hyunjin was frustrated and annoyed with the boys beside him.

"Hey," He nudged Seungmin's shoulder to get his attention, "I can't hear."

Seungmin gave him a bored expression, but shut up nonetheless. The 'bang' guy looked over and gave him an apologetic smile that Hyunjin just shrugged off.

Honestly it wasn't just their talking that annoyed him. Why was Seungmin so cute and happy around this 'bang' guy? He was acting like he did when Kkami was around.

And he won't even talk to me.

Hyunjin pouted at the thought.

"Alright, Chan?" The 'bang' guy looked up at the director and grinned. "Is it done?" He nodded shyly. "Let's hear it then!" He nodded again and stood up with a laptop in his hands.

Hyunjin took the time this 'Chan' guy took to log into his computer and plug it into the speakers to observe him more.

The immediate stand out feature was his blond, wavy hair. It stuck out on all sides of his head and blocked his vision to where he had to push it out of the way every few seconds.

He wore his uniform in a very casual way, and Hyunjin wondered how he got away with it. For one, he wasn't wearing a vest. Then his tie was just loosely wrapped around his neck with an untucked and partially unbuttoned white dress shirt.

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