Chapter 5

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I swear everyone here is so weird

And you aren't?

No I mean really weird

And you aren't?


Lol, soz just can't imagine anyone weirder than you

Thanks for the support😒

You know you love me

Yeah yeah

My bus is here ttyl

Ok! See ya!

Hyunjin smiled at his best friend's text before locking his phone and slipping it into his pocket. He watched as the bright yellow bus pulled up to his stop with a loud screech. It cast a shadow on him and the couple other students standing around before deciding to open its doors.

Hyunjin breathed out sharply, not sure if he was ready for today. However, the bus wasn't going to wait, so after the few other students, Hyunjin forced his feet to walk up the steps.

As soon as his head was in view, he heard a chorus of squeals and giggles followed by a 'shut up, I'm trying to sleep!'

And so it begins.

Hyunjin thought while doing his best to not roll his eyes. He spotted the place he sat yesterday and noticed an empty seat across from it.

Quickly, Hyunjin shuffled to the opposite seat and sat down, assuming the other set of seats was reserved for Felix and Changbin.

That was a bad choice.

The first couple of minutes were fine, he was looking out the window and sometimes glancing at the seat next to him to see if Felix was there yet.

Boring like any normal bus ride, but then he started to feel eyes on him. He looked around, but could not find where the feeling was coming from.

A little unsettled, Hyunjin faced front again. The next second, he felt it again. That weird feeling that makes the hairs on the back of your neck stand up.

He slowly turned his head to the side, only to see eyes quickly go behind the seat followed by some giggles and muffled words.

Hyunjin sighed. Girls.

Not that he didn't like girls, they were just annoying if they didn't want to be 'just friends.' And none of them did.

Hyunjin couldn't remember how many girls had approached him while blushing and giggling. Like they were all the same! If only some girl would come up and give him a glare like Seungmin did last night. That would make his day! But no. There he was on a crowded bus with a mess of giggly girls yet again.

When he thought it couldn't get much worse, one of them plopped down on the seat next to him while her friends watched over the seat.

"Hey I'm Songhee, what's your name?"

"Hwang Hyunjin." He stated with a fake smile, thankful for the normal question.

"How old are you?"


"Ooh! That makes you my oppa!" She said while scooting closer.

Now it's starting to not be normal. Hyunjin thought as he scooted as close to the window as possible.

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