Chapter 44

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It was weird. Seeing Jeongin with Felix prancing around him. It was like the impossible had suddenly come true. Sure, Jeongin only lived an hour away, but before he had existed in his own little bubble away from all of Hyunjin's other friends, and now? Hyunjin wasn't sure how to feel. His two worlds were being smashed together against his will and there was nothing he could do to stop it.

Hyunjin watched as Chan wrapped an arm around Jeongin and began to lead him through the house. An internal tug caused Hyunjin to dash forward and grab Jeongin's hand, claiming the young boy with bear ears. Chan loosened his hold but continued to lead them through different rooms, introducing people along the way.

Hyunjin wasn't sure why this was happening. He was very capable of telling Jeongin who was who. He also knew Jeongin could easily introduce himself. He was good at things like that. Hyunjin had never figured out how he could just walk up and start talking to people, but it was amazing, that's for sure.

However, not doing the talking gave Hyunjin a chance to watch all of Jeongin's reactions. Hyunjin had shown him pictures of Felix and the others from Felix's Instagram, but some of them Jeongin had never seen. They were also dressed up, so Changbin didn't really fit Jeongin's perception of him, let alone Seungmin. Jeongin seemed bewildered by the experience since he kept glancing at Hyunjin to confirm who he was talking to based on all the stories he had heard.

Thankfully the ordeal didn't last long and Chan left Jeongin to Hyunjin beside the TV.

"You weren't kidding. Everything makes sense now." Jeongin lifted his eyebrows at the couple across the room that was stacked again, Minho feeding Jisung gummy eyeballs. He leaned against the doorframe, an amused smile on his face.

"There's no way I could make all of that up and you know it."

"But to see them literally on top of each other, and I didn't expect Seungmin to be cute! You always make him out to be some monster while you squeal on and on about his nephew." Jeongin rolled his eyes and pushed off the doorframe and walked towards the food, Hyunjin following behind.

"His appearance isn't important when he's being annoying."

"I think we'd get along." Jeongin dipped a serving spoon into the popcorn while sending a smug grin at Hyunjin.

"I already told you that you would." Hyunjin scowled.

"But the confirmation makes it even better. You have no idea what you've done by introducing us." Jeongin winked and walked his way over to the couch with his cup of popcorn.

"If I wake up to worms in my bed again, I will kill you!" Jeongin threw his head back in laughter.

"Who are we killing?" Minho piped up.

"No one as long as people behave," Hyunjin said, glaring in Jeongin's direction.

"Oh, darn. I was gonna join." Jisung slapped Minho, but they still shared a silly set of smiles.

Jeongin's eyes widened as he made a show of shuffling on the couch and scrunching himself into the side. Jisung rolled off his boyfriend and into Jeongin's space.

"I promise he won't actually kill you, 'cause then I'd have to kill him and he wouldn't like that very much."

"Oh look, a bug."

Jisung and Hyunjin squealed at Minho's monotone words. Jisung climbed fully onto the couch and into a small ball as he yelled at Minho to kill it. Hyunjin jumped onto the arm of the couch, wrapping his arms and legs around Jeongin.

The two boys looked around frantically, trying to locate the insect until Minho's high-pitched laughter caught their attention. Jisung groaned and uncurled from his ball while Hyunjin just relaxed into Jeongin.

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