Chapter 10

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"Fine, I didn't want to talk to you anyway."

Hyunjin gazed after Changbin until the crowd in the hallway swallowed him and his black beanie that he had slipped over his head the instant he had stepped in the hall.

This was frustrating.

The cheerful, teasing, caring, idiot he'd hung out with last night was once again gone, veiled in black like the night sky that didn't dare reveal its secrets. The only lights that peaked through were the sporadic stars that gave him hope that maybe the sun existed somewhere out there.

Hyunjin pushed his bangs out of his eyes and sighed. What was he getting metaphorical about? Changbin had no obligation to talk to him. Especially when Hyunjin had just thrust himself into his life without warning.

But why did it hurt so much?

Maybe 'cause you've never been ignored before and you can't take it.

Hyunjin licked his lips, trying to distract himself from the voice in his head.

Don't pretend I'm not here. I'm literally attached to you.

Hyunjin hit his head lightly to rid himself of the thoughts.

Nice try pretty boy, but your narcissistic self ain't gettin' away that easily.

"Shut up, Hyunjin." He whispered to himself, not noticing the presence beside him.

"Something wrong?" Hyunjin's body flung itself into the side of the lockers in surprise, making the culprit laugh as he returned to his normal posture after whispering seductively in Hyunjin's ear.

"Seungmin! What the heck?"

Seungmin shrugged, "You're fun to scare," he said without emotion and began to walk down the hall that was now only occupied by a few lingering students making their way to second period.

After regrouping, Hyunjin followed, trying to catch up since Seungmin was speed walking. Whether it was because the bell was about to ring, or he was just being annoying, Hyunjin couldn't tell.

As they neared the choir room, Seungmin's footsteps slowed down enough for Hyunjin to catch up.

"" Hyunjin asked, gasping between words.

"You tell me, Mr. Daddy Long Legs."

"What did you just call me?"

"I am not repeating that."

"Mhm, sure."

Hyunjin smiled to himself. He was used to sarcastic teasing, his best friend Jeongin was a master at it, so Seungmin made him feel at home. Which was good, considering two days ago the boy made him want to pull his hair out.

Their chorus teacher greeted them at the door, basically yelling as the bell had decided to ring just then.

The two boys scurried over to grab chairs before placing them down to complete the strange, triple-tiered, rainbow outlined on the classroom floor.

"Hey, Minnie!" Chan greeted, apparently on-time today and obviously more rested.

Chan's blond hair was still curly and slightly all over the place, but he had brushed it today, and his uniform looked like every other students' with the exception of the jacket hung over his chair which Hyunjin guessed he had given up on. His eyes shone brightly and his still pale skin had a little more life in it, especially as he snuggled into Seungmin for an unwanted hug.

Dark to Baby: A Changjin StoryWhere stories live. Discover now