Chapter 20

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Vignettes of a Thursday


Hyunjin didn't know if he had ever seen Jisung as excited as he was this morning, and that was saying something.

"He liked it, he liked it, he liiiiiiiiked it!" Jisung sang as he did turns and failed leaps to his seat.

Hyunjin looked up from his neat pile of books, silently judging the dancing boy.

Jisung stopped near his desk and hummed a little ditty while his hips shook and his hands happily punched the air.

Hyunjin gave a whole neck roll and looked to his textbook for some kind of distraction.

That was until Jisung slammed his hands on the desk, demanding attention. Hyunjin flinched and backed his head away from the boy. Jisung didn't seem to know the definition of personal space.

"Hey, Jin! I finally made a good decision!" Hyunjin forced a smile and nodded.

"And that would be?" Instead of answering, Jisung stuck his head even further into Hyunjin's face to show off his black and purple striped beanie.

"So he didn't call it ugly this time?" Jisung backed up and grinned.

"Nope! He even gave me extra kisses!" Jisung's hands went up by his ears and shook to show his delight. Hyunjin's hands did much the same thing, but his scrunched up nose gave the action a different feel.

"I did not need to know that."

"But I told you anyway~" Jisung skipped to his seat, slid in, and nudged Hyunjin with his shoulder.

"Oh my gosh!" Jisung leaned back in his seat and let his arms sway on either side of his body, "happy Minho is the best! I think I'm gonna wear this beanie for the rest of my life!"

"Yeah and while you're at it, don't pair it with neon orange." Hyunjin mumbled a little too loud.

Jisung's head whipped up, but the rest of his posture stayed the same.

"What did you say?"

"Nothing." Jisung dragged the rest of his body up and rested his arms on his desk.

"Yeah right. You probably said the same thing he did," Jisung wiggled his head a little in disapproval, "why are you guys so similar? It's annoying."

"Didn't know I had Minho qualities."

"Well you're both hot, that's a big one, then there's your fashionista tendencies-"

"But I'm not-"

"AND all you ever do is make me mad!" Hyunjin cocked a brow at how the boy had thrown his hands up and almost smacked a passing girl in the face. He had seized up a moment later and profusely apologized to the girl who slowly backed away and gave big eyes to her friend in the back.

"The feeling is mutual." Hyunjin covered up his residual annoyance with the loud boy by laughing at his own statement. Jisung turned back around not looking overly bothered.

"I heard that, but you're not getting rid of me. Especially this close to Friday."

"Is something happening on Friday?"

"Well duh! It's called I get to watch you fall on your butt for two hours at dance class!" Jisung cackled and returned to his giddy self while Hyunjin gripped his knees and rolled his tongue around in his mouth. Jisung sensed the anger building as Hyunjin cocked his head from side to side.

"Look, dude..." Jisung sunk back into his chair and put out his hands as defense, "I was just joking. I'm sure you will only fall a few times this time!"

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