Chapter 28

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Changbin trudged down the aisle of the bus and plopped in the seat next to Hyunjin. Hyunjin greeted him briefly before returning his gaze to the blue house Changbin had just emerged from as if Felix would just appear in his normal happy state.

The bus lights went out, engulfing them in enough darkness that details were hard to make out and melatonin started being produced in both their brains. Hyunjin's mood fell as the realization set in that there was no way Felix was coming to school today. The bus began to move, and Hyunjin turned to Changbin to ask the dreaded question.

"So, how's Lix?" Changbin let his head fall back on the seat before rolling it so he was facing Hyunjin.

"Annoying. He kept me up all night asking me to refreeze the ice pack." Changbin ran a hand through his bangs and for the first time since Hyunjin's known him, his hair stuck a bit before falling back into place due to all the oil in it. He must have neglected to wash it the past few days.

"Is that why you look like death today?" Changbin snarled in Hyunjin's direction.

"Like you look any better."

"You're just jealous you don't wake up looking naturally flawless."

"Am I? I don't need that in my life." Changbin waved backwards to reference the constant giggling that followed Hyunjin around. Hyunjin rolled his eyes.

"You and me both. But he's okay, right?"

"Oh yeah. Nothing new," Changbin centered his head and closed his eyes, "are you coming over this afternoon?"

"Uh...about that," Hyunjin looked at his lap guiltily, "I'm grounded."



"How long?"

"Two weeks."


The pair kept their eyes in opposite directions until Hyunjin adjusted his claim, "I mean, I can sneak out a-"

"No, no, no, I don't want you getting in trouble. Lix'll manage. He's a big boy." Changbin sat up and waved his hands in front of his chest.

"Well technically, my mom's boyfriend said he'd cover for me as long as I'm careful." Changbin frowned.

"Don't you think that's a bad idea?"

"Well, yeah. But I don't want to leave Lix by himself."

"You can just text him and check on him. If you get caught, you won't get to see him at all."

"How's he gonna get dinner?" Hyunjin didn't know much about Changbin's sister, but he just assumed she wasn't the main cook in the house, and Felix getting food was probably the most pressing concern at the moment.

"The same way he gets lunch?" Changbin didn't seem to share Hyunjin's concern.

"Is he suddenly walking?"

"He's using my rolly chair."


"Yeah." Hyunjin giggled as the image of Felix rolling around Changbin's house popped into his mind.

"That must be entertaining."

"Well that's a word for it. Nerve wracking is more like it. I keep thinking he's gonna fall off and hurt himself, but somehow he manages to stay upright." The image in Hyunjin's mind changed to Felix careening down the hall with Changbin and his sister running behind. He had to admit that the idea was a little scary.

"So when are you done with work?"


"You really think he'll survive that long without anyone?" Changbin scoffed.

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