Chapter 19

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"Now remember, yo-"

"I can't tell Changbin I know about his sister. Okay, I got it."

Felix nodded nervously as he looked out the bus window. He had insisted on being on the inside today for a reason Hyunjin couldn't figure out.

"Sorry, Jinnie. It's just-"

"Only you and the school counselor know and you don't want him getting mad. Gosh, Felix, calm down!"

"But Jinnie, you don't understand! He-"

"I highly doubt he'll kill you and if he tries, I'll be there to protect you." Hyunjin wrapped his arms around Felix's shoulders. "Okay?"

"Binnie has muscles," Felix mumbled while chewing his ever-shrinking thumbnail.

"Will you stop that?" Hyunjin pushed Felix's hand away from his mouth, "next thing you know we'll be seeing blood!"

Felix scowled and deliberately began to chew on his other thumbnail. Hyunjin sighed and looked away.

Resting his head on the back of the seat, Hyunjin stared down the aisle. They had been sitting at Changbin's stop for almost five minutes now, and Hyunjin just wanted the boy to get on so Felix would stop freaking out.

"There he is!" Felix curled into a ball and hid his face in Hyunjin's chest. Hyunjin shook his head at Felix and looked out the window to see the normal, frazzled, morning version of Changbin.

His attire was kempt for once. Their uniform of a white button up, dress pants, and black shoes securely fastened with his traditional black hoodie covering it all up and his black beanie almost pulled down to his eyes. If it had been a smidge darker, he might have disappeared.

Hyunjin watched Changbin's quick footsteps and noticed that he kept glancing back at his house like he had forgotten something. Halfway to the bus, he fully turned around and walked backwards. He glanced once at the bus to avoid hitting it and crossed the street, eyes still glued to the house. He walked to his seat sideways, close to tripping quite a few times. He didn't sit down right away, just propped one knee on the seat and stared at the house.

"Changbin? Everything alright?" Changbin lifted his index finger to stop Hyunjin from asking more questions.

Hyunjin turned to look at the house as the bus started to move. He heard Changbin's breath hitch and the slight crunch of seat fabric. They got a few feet when a light flickered inside. Hyunjin heard Changbin release his breath and rotated his head to see the boy fall onto the chair. Changbin threw his backpack towards the window and fully relaxed into the seat.

"What was that about?"

"Not much," It was then that Changbin noticed Felix being a small ball, "is Lixie okay?"

"Yeah, he's fine." Hyunjin chuckled and patted Felix's back.

"You sure?" Changbin leaned towards them, elbows on his knees.

"Lixie?" he poked Felix's head, earning a whine, "you okay?"

Felix only looked up enough to make eye contact with Changbin before quickly stuffing his face back in Hyunjin's chest. Changbin scrunched his eyebrows together.

"Baby, what's wrong?"

"Nothing!" Felix squeaked.

Hyunjin wasn't sure what version of
Felix Chan knew, but this one was not a good liar.

"Come on, Lix! I know that's not true!" Felix whimpered.

"Leave him alone, Changbin. He's just worried."

Dark to Baby: A Changjin StoryWhere stories live. Discover now