Chapter 47

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Hyunjin really thought he had reached the end of Changbin's abilities. That there were no more hidden talents to discover or skills yet unknown. However, there seemed to be no end to what the older could do.

He should have expected it, with all the other creative things that came naturally to Changbin. But that didn't stop his jaw from dropping when Changbin busted his first moves on the dance floor. Granted, they were just a flirty attempt to make Felix laugh, but as the class wore on, Hyunjin could tell this was his element.

For once, Hyunjin wished Changbin wasn't so perfect. Maybe then he would have something to use as teasing material. He couldn't even criticize his little jumps or how he would cutely smile and bump hips with Felix. While some of his moves made Hyunjin cringe, they also made Felix laugh and that somehow made them okay.

The only not okay part was that Changbin was hogging Felix. It wasn't surprising. Changbin always turned into a protective parent when Lix was around, but today it was dialed up to a thousand. His eyes never seemed to leave the boy, and he asked for help at every hand's turn like he needed it or something.

That left Hyunjin in a weird limbo between Jisung, who sporadically took a break from staring at Minho, and Felix, who would shout some encouragement from time to time. Otherwise, he was on his own to practice the increasingly more difficult dances their instructor had been giving them.

By the end of the class, Hyunjin's heart was pounding, and sweat was dripping down his back. He brought his shirt up to his face and wiped his forehead, earning a poke in the belly button courtesy of Felix.

As Hyunjin contorted in on himself, Changbin announced that they should start the trek back home. Felix immediately balked at him. There was no mention of the dinner routine or anything beyond Felix's need for sleep. That did not go over well with Felix.

In fact, it was so poorly received that there was soon a puddle of Felix on the dance floor, with four others standing around, unsure how to respond.

Hyunjin knelt down and placed a hand on the sobbing boy's back. "Gosh, Bin. Why'd you have to say it like that?" Hyunjin wrapped the boy further in his arms and held him close. "Hey, Baby, it's okay. How about some dinner, hm?" Felix looked up from the cradle of his arms, tear tracks coating his cheeks. He sniffed a few times and dried his tears with his sleeve before nodding and giving Hyunjin a tight-lipped smile.

Changbin sat down so he could whisper in Hyunjin's ear. "You do realize 8 am isn't that far away, right? He needs his sleep."

"He has to eat dinner either way and how much sleep is he going to get? Be real." Hyunjin whispered back.

Changbin sucked in a breath and looked away. "Okay, fine." He repositioned himself and squatted in front of the vulnerable boy. He smiled. "What would you like to eat, Baby?"

Felix furrowed his eyebrows before looking up at Hyunjin helplessly.

"How about we just go for fast food?" Hyunjin offered, patting Felix's head, "Chicken strips and milkshakes?"

Felix shot up from Hyunjin's hold, a wide smile adorning his face. "Milkshakes?"


"Whahoo!" He jumped up with his exclamation and grabbed Changbin's wrist. "What are you waiting for, Binnie? Let's go!"

Changbin pursed his lips, raising his eyebrows at the others as he got dragged away.

"Do you think they'll have slushies?" Jisung asked.

"I'll find you a slushie, don't worry, Baby." Minho ruffled Jisung's hair and led him to the dance room door.


Dark to Baby: A Changjin StoryWhere stories live. Discover now