14.Arson and Neighbors

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 hoseoks pov: I watched Namjoon tie Jimin's arm up trying to stop the bleeding, FUCK IT, Namjoon screamed as he let Jimin bleed out. I smiled and sat there not realizing I was shaking. "Baby come on get up" I heard Namjoon as he grabbed my arm and led me back to the living room, "grab a saw" he said, and he dug in the duffle bag he had brought and pulled out a mini hand saw. "This is too much work" I whined softly and pouted. "Well, my love does you have a better idea?" he asked, and I nodded showing him my lighter.

"fine" Namjoon said, and I smiled grabbing the duffle bag getting the lighter fluid mixed with gasoline out. I went into the room Jimin was in first and saw him pulling very weakly at the chains and I sighed, "oh shut up already, you should've kept your hands and eyes to yourself" I hissed and poured the fluid over him. He whined quietly and I smiled as I poured fluid everywhere. I walked out the room and saw Namjoon looking out the window. "Joon" I said, and he looked at me raising his eyebrows. "I'm ready to go home now". He smiled and said OKAY as he took my hand in his. I looked at the bottle and just threw it to the side, "LETS LIGHT IT UP" I screamed laughing and Namjoon whooped out loud as he threw the lighter into the house it immediately roared up in flames. "WHOOO" I screamed and jumped in Namjoon arms kissing him, "you ready?" I asked and he nodded as we walked the trail holding hands.

Namjoon's pov: I looked over at the love of my life and he smiled as we walked out the woods and on the path home, "I'm hungry" hoseok whined and I smiled, "lets go get something to eat" I told him and he shook his head no, "I want to go home and eat" he said and I nodded, "okay love" I said, and he smiled. As we walked, we saw the fire trucks zoom down the street to the woods and hoseok looked at me with an evil smirked and I smiled knowing what it meant. We walked up the front porch to see hoseok neighbor standing on the porch, he was old but not that old and he always had his nose in our business. "Honey go inside" hoseok told me as he moved away to go talk to the neighbor.

I walked in our home and kicked my shoes off and laid on the couch and fell asleep almost instantly waiting for my love too come back. I woke up and groaned looking at the time, "fuck" I said and looked at the time, 10:26p.m "shit" I mumbled getting up to go look for hoseok. I looked around but couldn't find him, I then stopped dead in my tracks as I heard the front door open. I came downstairs and hoseok looked up at me, "hi love" he said. "Hi, where were you>" I asked and he smiled, "remember I was at the neighbors house." He responded in a weird tone then hugged around me and sighed, "I want to move to Japan, or China" he mumbled into me, and I smiled, "no love" I responded into which hoseok whined. "Baby can you even speak Chinese?" I asked laughing and he blushed, "shut up" he whined out and bonked my chest with his head. "ha-ha okay love"


Hi guys here is an update for you, don't forget to follow okay <3 and don't forget to drink water okay <3

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