7. The Morning After

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Hoseok pov: I woke up on Namjoon to see him staring at the ceiling and I smiled at him as he looked down at me. "Hi baby" I said and he smiled, "good morning sunshine" he said. I blushed feeling the heat on my cheeks. "I love you", I mumbled and hugged him. I head his stomach gargle and I laughed. " we have to eat" I stood up not caring I was naked and I heard Namjoon wolf whistle at me. "Shut up" I said throwing my pillow at him hitting his face.

I pulled on an over-sized shirt with some fluffy socks then went to the kitchen turning on the kitchen fan. I stood there wondering what I should eat for breakfast then felt arms around my hips. "I want eggs" Namjoon said and I nodded "sure I'll make u some. " I grabbed 4 eggs out the fridge and cracked them on the edge of a bowl. I whisked the egg with salt and pepper. "Joon can u grab a frying pan please? " I asked and joon nodded going to look for it. "It's under the cabinet hun" I giggled out going to grab butter.

Authors pov: Joon went and looked for the pan and soon found it where Hoseok told him it was. "Here" join said as he set the pan on the stove then turned the stove on for him. "thank u" Hoseok said as he took a butter knife scooping some butter with it and putting it in the now hot pan Joon sat on the stove.

Hoseok smiled as Namjoon hugged him from behind and kissed the side of his face. "Baby~~" Hoseok giggled out as he stirred the eggs around scrambling them. "I'm trying to cook" he giggled and pulled away from Joon to grab 2 saucers out the cabinet. "You can kiss me when we are done eating" he said as he walked back over to the stove putting eggs on both of the plates.
"Yummy" Joon said as he ate them. Hoseok smiled and nodded, the 2 finished breakfast and made their way to the couch and watched the news.

The news reporter reported the crime the 2 had done to the ward. They don't know that Namjoon was missing which was a good sign until they heard a knock at the door which scared Hoseok but made Namjoon more annoyed.

When The Killer Loves//NAMSEOK //(under editing)Where stories live. Discover now