12. Jimin pt2.

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Jimins pov: Everything was fuzzy, I blinked again and again trying to get my vision clear. I tried to pull my arms to my head but they were tied up, "what the fuck" I said pulling at the restraints harder, "NA-NAMJOON!!" I yelled scared, I cried as pulled more wanting to be free.

Authors pov: Namjoon and Hoseok were talking and  getting things ready for Jimin until they heard his screaming, "NAMJOON", He cried and the couple laughed to each other quietly.

Hoseok stood up and walked into the room Jimin was in. " wow who knew the chirpy coworker of mine was such a homewrecker " Hoseok said as he ran his finger nails up jimins neck and face". Jimin flinched and cried, "I'm sorry please, please! " he begged but Hoseok smacked him causing him to quiet down.    "SHUT IT!", Hoseok yelled at Jimin making him whimper.

Hoseok proceeded to cut the rest of Jimins clothes off leaving him naked. " you're going to stay here until you learn your lesson" he seethed angrily while Jimin kicked and cried back and forth.

Namjoon sat out where the living room used to be and smiled as he heard the screams. Soon the screams died down as Hoseok walked out the room and shut the door. "That fucking whore" he seethed. Namjoon smiled and opened his mouth to say something before Hoseok shoved himself on Namjoon pulling him into a deep heated kiss. The two kissed each other for a while before ripping and tearing off each other clothes.  "Fuck me baby" Hoseok moaned out loudly humping him. Namjoon smiled and slid two fingers into hoseoks hot hole, "mmmmmnugh baby" Hoseok moaned wrapping his fingers into the red hair pulling on it softly.

Jimin laid there on the table crying softly as he heard the couple on the other side.
what felt like hours he slowly fell asleep until he heard the door open, the couple walking in giggling. "Jimiiiin" hoseok said loudly grabbing at jimins face and smooshed his cheeks. "Wake up you whoorre" namjoon yelled as he stood on the other side of the table. Jimin cried as the couple told him ways that he.would be hurt.
"how about a game of knife party" namjoon said crazily shaking from excitment as he pulled out 2 box cutters from his hoodie pocket.
The couple laughed as they took the box cutters to jimins skin, slicing up every knook and cranny until namjoon popped a vein on jimins arm and blood spilled and gushed everywhere.
Jimin cried, kicking and flailing his legs begging "P-Please", jimin begged as he felt as if his body was slowing down. "Should we?" Hoseok questioned namjoon. Namjoon sighed  grabbing a piece of shredded shirt off the floor tying it around the blood gushing vein.

Jimins visions went blurry then dark.

hey guys, im really happy i got finish this chapter♡︎
i havent been doing too well mentally so it took me longer than i hoped but i hope you guys are okay♡︎

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