3.With Joon

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Hoseoks pov: I stayed with namjoon for a while, me and him was in his cell almost all day, we started off with small kisses which turned into him kissing my neck and leaving small marks. I felt safe with him,

"I wanna spend a night with you" I said and showed him my overnight bag and he smiled and said okay. I gave him the pj's I bought him and he smiled at me, how about we not wear pj's, he said and pulled my skirt down,are you sure?, I asked and he got on his knees shoving his face into my thighs kissing and biting, ahh baby, I moaned and he trailed his kisses up to my hips and pulling down underwear, wait wait, I said and stopped him, I don't wanna do this..not here atleast, I said to namjoon and he looked at me for a while before pulling away, as you whish, he said and I smiled.

We put our pj's on and Iaid on the air mattress I snuck up once before and he laid next to me pulling me into his arms. We fell asleep pretty soon after a small conversation about how I was going tonget him out of here. "Just bring me a gun with bullets and I'll make sure of it" he said.
"Okay i will" I mumbles into him.

My phone buzzed kber and over waking us up and joon groaned pulling my closer looking over at my shoulder at the texts.
They're from my dad, I said and joon took my phone and typed, NO then turned my phone off. He's gonna kill me I mumbled and joon death stared at me and I smiled but he just kissed me and said to go back to sleep. I said okay and laid back down falling asleep again him.

Morning came and joon was sitting with a tray of what looked like vomit, "hey baby no don't eat that" I yawned out and pulled my bag to me handing him a sandwich and he smiled, 'thank you baby" he said and I smiled and laid back down as he ate.

Hey guys so I'm in the midst of editing chapters so chapters 1-3 will only be available for the time being :) love u

When The Killer Loves//NAMSEOK //(under editing)Where stories live. Discover now