2.The Plan and The Action

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hoseoks pov: i looked at the file and read more about the man "Kim Namjoon", i even searched up on the web about him, i questioned myself on why I was so interested but I heard the front door open and i hid the file away as i heard my dad yell for me, I rushed downstairs and he looked at me with the smell of alcohol radiating off of him. I just looked at him and then he fell on the floor passing out and I sighed and left him there. I went back into my room locking my door before I remembered about the file, I needed a plan to get in the cell, i know the cell number and all i needed was a key, i can sneak one from dad, I opened my door slowly and quietly to make sure my dad was still sleep and surely enough he was, I tip-toed to his room and quietly searched for his work keys, after 5 minutes of searching for them he found them in the closet in a box. I put the key in my mouth to hide it just incase I bumped into my drunken dad as I went back to my room.

I snuck out and went to the bathroom, I flushed the toilet and washed my hands to make it seem like I was in there and walked out and fast walked back to my room. I spit the now wet and warm metal out my mouth and wiped it on my sleeping shirt then slid it into a pocket in my backpack. I crawled in bed after locking my door laying there slowly falling asleep.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~next day~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I woke up to the sound of my alarm, I sat up stretching and grabbing my phone to look at the time then went to go shower. I got to the bathroom and saw a bruise from where my dad had backhanded me, dammit, I mumbled and got into the hot water enjoying it. I washed after a couple minutes then got out wrapping myself in a towel I went to my room to look for an outfit. I found a simple but cute one. It was a pink button down that I paired with a pink skirt and some chunky white sneakers. I sprayed myself with my favorite perfume and went to the kitchen to prepare snacks to take with me to meet namjoon. I think he would enjoy these, I mumbled and smiled. I walked out the house and into my car and drove to the ward, when i got there I told the desk lady I was visiting my dad and she nodded letting me through the door, I said thank you and went the staircase and slowly walked to the fourth floor. The 4th floor consisted of cells that had huge doors which you cant see through from the inside but from the outside if you pressed the button, i walked tocell number 153, kim namjoon, i hyped up the courage and unlocked the door, here goes nothing!

namjoons pov: i was laying in bed when i heard the door open, i didnt really care so i layed there and then i heard the door close and a tap on my shoulder, i opened my eyes and sat up instantly,"WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU!!" i yelled at the unknown boy..or girl just stood there and looked as if they saw a ghost and I smirked. I looked at him up and down and smirked, so who are you?" I asked again "why are you here?" i asked and he smiled and said he found me interesting and i laughed a little and looked at him more thoroughly, he was short and had sort-of long sort-of short hair and was feminine, he had really cute curves and a booty i know would jiggle perfectly, i smirked. He sat on my bed and put a backpack between us and asked if i was hungry i said yes and he pulled out a small container of rice and pork, he took some of it and held it to my lips, it went on like that until it was finished, i grew to like this little pet. "honey, take the cuffs off me ok?"i asked and he said ok and proceeded to do so and when he looked up, i met his eyes and he looked away and blushed, as soom as he took the cuffs of i shot up and grabbed him by the neck and pushed him towards the wall.

He looked at me with wide eyes but didnt say anything, "mm i hope you're a behaved baby boy", I said rubbing my nose against his skin and he whimpered as I got to his cheek and he winced as my nose brushed my bruise, he looked at me, Is you ok? I asked and he smiled and I took the napking he brought and wiped the makeup off frevealing the bruises. Who did this to you and?,I asked, My dad, he mumbled. I gave me him death glare as he told me the story about what happened yesterday.

Im sorry my angel, I rubbed his face and he pulled his face away from my hand and looked away. I'm used to it, he mumbled at me and I sighed.

When The Killer Loves//NAMSEOK //(under editing)Where stories live. Discover now