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Hoseok Pov: Me and Namjoon watched the news as we laid on the couch, they reported what me and joon did. We smiled as the police ran around on their case like chickens with their heads cut off, "my love" joon said as he grabbed my hand. "I love you". I smiled and kissed his chin softly as i sat up.

Authors pov: it was true, namjoon loved hoseok more than ever. it was like they were made for each other. The two were crazy for each other. In Joons eyes he was this ethereal being, no one could touch him like he touched him.  "Hoseok I think I'm falling deeper Inlove with you". Hoseok smiled as he leaned up and kissed Namjoon passionately, "I think I'm in love with you" Hoseok responded.The couple smiled at each other enjoying the radiating warmth and energy that surrounded them.

The day carried on with the two wrapped around each other, the sweet embraces and caresses. It was something both of them never felt before. Small kisses littering each other's skin over and over. The two finally got up and cleaned their home, sweeping and washing. "Darling", Hoseok said softly, "hm?",joon responded." Do you ever want children?" Namjoon looked up to see Hoseok watching a baby commercial on the TV, "I never thought about children, I never imagined living to see the day of having children" Namjoon mumbled softly. Hoseok smiled then hugged around Namjoon waist. "Maybe one day yea?" Hoseok said nodding with a bright heart smile.

Namjoon smiled and hugged around Hoseok kissing him gently. They finished picking up around the house then went out. They still wore disguises but it wasn't anything drastic just makeup to hide their features and  dark shades. Hoseok and Namjoon walked around town holding hands enjoying the sun. The urge of killing lifted off them like steam as they enjoyed a feeling that never felt before.

Was it love, happiness, both?  They don't know they were just enjoying the feeling as they walked to nowhere. "We should go somewhere!" Hoseok said excited. "Where does my baby wanna go?"  Namjoon asked. "I'm not sure" he responded pouting. "We'll figure it out"  Namjoon said. The Couple walked more until they ran into a park. Hoseok ran up to the park jumping on the swing stomach first, feet pushing the ground to swing. "WEEEE!" Hoseok yelled. Namjoon smiled watching his lover. It was cute.

Namjoon walked near the swings sitting on the one next to Hoseok. "Get up baby",he said and smiled. Hoseok sat next to joon as the wind blew through their hair. They smiled as the chilly hair hit their skin and the leaves from the tree above them fell. It felt cliche, it felt right, it felt like heaven

When The Killer Loves//NAMSEOK //(under editing)Where stories live. Discover now