8. Police

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Authors pov: Namjoon and hoseok scattered around the house as the police knocked on the door. "Upstairs" hoseok pushed joon. "Ok ok" he said going up. "COMING" Hoseok yelled walking to the door and opened it to see a cop standing there. "Hello are u Jung Hoseok? " he asked and Hoseok nodded, "im officer.faye here to tell u that your father passed away in the fire at the psychiatric ward. Hoseok faked gasped and stayed silent "o-ok",he faked choked on air to make ot seem like he was gonna cry. "im very sorry" the officer said and tipped his hat leaving the house with the fake stunned hoseok at the door.

Hoseok closed the door and then turned to see namjoon come from the stairs, "finally hes gone" he said sitting back on the couch. Hoseok gave namjoon a smile and sat next to him. "You're a little actor" namjoon teased kissing hoseoks lips. "Yahhh i lived with an abusive man for 18 years" he whined and laughed. "You have to act to live" hoseok said.

The couple looked back at the news soon changing the channel to a movie they didnt really watch because of namjoon devouring hoseoks neck.
"god ur so good baby" namjoon moaned into hoseoks skin. Hoseok moaned in response as the 2 pairs hands started roaming each others bodies.

The 2 was interrupted again by hoseoks ringtone. "Just ignore it" namjoon said trying to pull hoseoks sleep shorts off. Hoseok ignored it but it went off again and when hoseok looked he saw that it was his boss, "SHIT" he yelled grabbing his phone answering it.

The conversation between the 2 was short, "yes sir omw", hoseok ended the call "ugggh i have to go my boss needs me to take over a shift because jungkook called off"he told namjoon which earned him a pout. "But you're supposed to be here sucking on me baby" he said trying not to smile.
"I- shusssh" hoseok whined to namjoon while blushing a bright pink which had namjoon laughing.

Hoseok went upstairs rolling his eyes at the laughter. He grabbed his shower stuff and headed into the bathroom to.take a quick shower.
After the quck shower hoseok dried off and put on his uniform. A black shirt with black shorts and converses. "Namjoon im about to leave" hoseok said as he brushed his teeth. Namjoon nodded and went back downstirs laying on the couch.

And with that hoseok went to work.

hey guys, i hope u enjoy this chapter and the next one should be out tmrw so ofc stay tuned♡︎

When The Killer Loves//NAMSEOK //(under editing)Where stories live. Discover now