10. Clean up

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Authors love: Namjoon took hold of hoseoks shaking hands, "baby tell me what happened", he said softly smirking at hoseoks smile. "H-he grabbed me; wouldn't let go" Hoseok stuttered shaking his head. "You did great love" Namjoon said.

The 2 stood there before Namjoon pulled hoseoks upstairs into the bedroom sitting him on the bed, "I'm going to go make some bath water okay" he said then walked away into the bathroom leaving a blood covered hoseok on the bed. Namjoon stood over the tub making sure the water wasn't too hot or too cold, after a while he added bubble bath. "Sunshine you ready?" He asked walking into the bedroom. "Yea sure" Hoseok said standing up and going into the bathroom with him.

The couple quietly got undressed and sat in the tub, Namjoon behind Hoseok. He pulled him against his chest kissing the side of his head, "I love you so much baby" Namjoon murmured. Hoseok smiled, "I love you too my love." The 2 sat in the tub for a while until Namjoon started kissing up his neck and his hands roamed underneath the water groping his thighs, "ahh fuck jooon" Hoseok sighed against joons shoulder. Namjoon giggled against hoseoks skin, nipping and biting at it.

Hoseok stood up after he made sure all the blood was off of him. He got out the tub with Namjoon and made their way into the bedroom. The couple slammed their lips together as soon as they got into the room, wet skin to wet skin as they panted and groped each other. "Fuck baby" Namjoon groaned out. Hoseok smiles at Namjoon groans then pushed him onto the bed crawling on top of him. "Ride me babe" Namjoon smiled up at Hoseok grabbing his hips pulling them closer to his.
Hoseok complied and stroked Namjoon dick softly letting the pre-cum drip down using it to slick it up. He pushed the tip into his hole stretching him slightly, "ahhh joon fuck" he groaned out as he pushed himself deeper into him.

Namjoon grabbed hoseoks hips and pushed himself upwards to make him go deeper into hoseoks hole. The couple sat in that position for a minute waiting for hoseok to get used to it before moving. Namjoon moved his hips upward in a slow steady motion, "ahhh fuck" hoseok moaned as goosebumps covered his skin. "Faster joon", he moaned out and Namjoon picked up his pace now slamming into the more open hole. Namjoon enjoyed the sounds of skin slapping as he railed out hoseok. Namjoon rolled over and put hoseoks legs over his shoulder grabbing his thighs.

"You ready? " he asked Hoseok softly. He nodded and grabbed the sheets as Namjoon started back up slamming into the slight gaped hole, "jooon" hoseok whinmpered and moaned. Hoseok rubbed his nipples softly as Namjoon rammed himself into him.

As time went on the couple enjoyed each other, Namjoon fucking Hoseok while Hoseok is a moaning mess under him. Namjoon grabbed Hoseoks dick as he still fucked him stroking it, "cum for me" Namjoon said panting softly. "Mmmmmnnn" Hoseok moaned becoming slightly overstimulated. Hoseok came shortly after Namjoon stroked him while Namjoon picked up his pace earning more moans and small screams from the used up Hoseok. "FUCK" Namjoon yelled as he came deep into hoseok.

Namjoon milked himself into Hoseok then pulled out gently. "I love u" Namjoon said panting laying down next to him.
Hoseok smiled and laid on Namjoons chest rubbing Namjoons hip some. "Sleep babe, I bet you're so tired" Namjoon whispered. "Okay" Hoseok said yawning and closing his eyes soon falling asleep after.

A/n. Hey guys here's a new update and I love all of u and i still haven't been okay mentally but I'll be okay soon I hope, I hope u guys stay safe and happy 🥰💜 love u so much-ash💜

When The Killer Loves//NAMSEOK //(under editing)Where stories live. Discover now