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namjoons pov: I ate and looked at my little angel on the air mattress, he looked so cute and he took care of me as I was rotting away. Baby, I said and he looked at me. "Yea?", go home and get our escape ready., I said and he whined thatvhe didn't wanna leave me but I insisted so he got up and got dressed. Don't eat anything they give u, he said to me and I nodded and he sat his backpack in my lap and walked out the cell.

Hoseok pov: I walked out the door after telling the desk lady I was in my dad's office last night and she just ignored me as always. I got home and as I unlocked and entered the door something hit me in the face, I laid on the floor in pain as my dad screamed nonsense at me, I drowned them out but then a belt hit my back. After what felt like forever he stepped over me and out the door saying he needed a drink.

I stumbled over and limped to his room and grabbed his gun. I stared at it and then put it in my purse along with more bullets. I walked to my room and packed my suitcase of the items and clothes I wanted. I looked back at my room and walked out.

I went out to my car putting my stuff in there and getting in the front seat. I drove off to the ward and went in thru the emergency exit I couldn't let security go thru my bag, I placed my ear against the door and didn't hear voices, must be on lunch break I opened the door to a cracked peering inside then snuck as fast as I could inside letting the door go softly then running up to namjoons cell. Baby I'm back, I said and opened the cell, he looked up at me from my phone, hi lovely, he said. I put my purse in his lap and say next to him, I got it for u, I'm sorry it took along time. He looked at me then placed a kiss on my lips. You ready to go home? He asked. I nodded and he told me to pack my shit up.

I packed and he took my hand led me out and as we walked the nurses and workers looked at us and started screaming as namjoon shot any of the workers that tried to come close, some blood got on me as well and I held his hand tighter as I watched and smiled.

I took namjoon to my dad's office and he looked at me, idk if he's in or not, i mumbled and push the door in and my dad sat at his desk on the phone yelling. He looked at me thwn slammed the phone and threw me against the wall by my shirt, WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU!, he yelled at me but before I could say something a loud bang followed and my dad got hit in the head, he layed there on the floor. I looked at namjoon, shoot him, I said and joon came over to me and put the gun in my hands and wrapped his arm around my hips, you do it baby, he whispered in my ear.

I squeezed my eyes shut as I held the gun out.....BANG

I looked down and saw blood spill from my dad and I giggles and kept pulling the trigger over and over until I ran out of bullets.

When The Killer Loves//NAMSEOK //(under editing)Where stories live. Discover now