1.The Beginning

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namjoons pov:i sat in my cell looking at the ceiling the dirt covering it, my hands were loose from the cuffs and i just wanted to watch blood drip from them, i smiled at the thought of it, i heard a bell ring and it meant that it was time for me to eat, we got cuffed up and was sent to the cafeteria where we were fed shit i ate it quickly and called it a day, after lunch we were in the court yard lifting weights and fucking each other up, fights usually broke out no one dared to fight me knowing they would probably die, i sat and watched the fight and the guards tazing them, i rolled my eyes and looked at the scars on my arms, after about 3 hours we were sent back into our rooms and cuffed up.

authors pov: namjoon ended up in the hospital for numerous reasons, he killed his abusive parents and went on killing innocents, why? because he wanted to it was like it was in his nature to kill, he had many lovers and friends, some ended up dead, some ended up tortured, some you never heard from again, namjoon was heartless, he knew he was and he enjoyed it.

hoseoks pov: i walked into the psych ward my father owns and looked at all the nurses who worked here, they didnt really like me because of the way i dressed and my sexuality but i didnt give a shit, im me, i walked into his office and he smiled and said hi and i smiled back sitting in a chair asking him about his day and he went on to tell me about it. I showed him my report card and smiled and he looked at me with a serious expression. "Why are your grades like this?" He asked me and I told him how I was struggling in math and before I could say I was going to get extra help he backhanded me in the face. "AHHHH" I screamed as the hand hit me, I fell out the chair from how hard it was. "I-Im sorry" I sobbed as he stood over me and kicked me. After he was done he told me to pick up the files that had fell. I picked up the files that were on the floor and look one caught my eye,

name: Kim namjoon


sex: m


weight: 160lbs


In for: psychotic behavior, murder, ....

I pushed the file with my school folder and looked at my dad and put the file in my backpack and sat the files back down and told him i was going to go home and he rolled his eyes not caring, I started towards the door nervously and walked out the ward with the most dangerous mans file in my backpack.

When The Killer Loves//NAMSEOK //(under editing)Where stories live. Discover now