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Hoseok's pov: I got to work in no time to be greeted by my chirpy coworker, "hi Hoseok how are you", Jimin asked me with a bright smile. "I'm doing well. " I said clocking into the computer. I sighed and started ringing up customers with a smile.

Author's pov: Time went by pretty slow for Hoseok and Jimin, "yaaah Hoseok why do you have hickeys all over ur neck" Jimin giggled out trying to poke them. "Don't worry about that Jimin go do ur job" Hoseok said rolling his eyes. The 2 worked at a big but not top big convince store. It was full of a variety of items, like candy, toys, makeup, ice cream, etc. It was good pay too.

Namjoon walked into Hoseoks job and approached the counter which had Hoseok cursing and mumbling under his breath, "what are you-"... He was city off by the change in Namjoon, his hair was now fiery red, his hair was shaven on the sides, his nose was pierced and his ears was too. " you look different " hoseok said his mouth hanging open. "Yes I know baby, I needed to change so I can go out without being recognizable" he replied as he went around the store looking for things to eat.

Jimin was putting things in the freezer when something red caught his attention. Namjoon walked up to the freezer next to Jimin grabbing the little tub of ice cream and all Jimin could do was stare at how gorgeous the man with red hair was but before he can say something he saw Hoseok come around the corner of the rack of chips and in front of the red haired man, "babe go home now" he said and Jimin felt a ping in his chest... A ping of jealously. Sure he's never met the man before but he wanted him.

Jimin walked up to the duo with a smile, "hey Hoseok, who is this?", " hey Jimin uh this is my boyfriend namjoon" Hoseok said and Namjoon smiled. "Oh okay just wondering" Jimin replied going back to his freezer his face falling cold.

Hoseok and Namjoon walked to the front of the store to the register. "I'll pay for it" Hoseok told Namjoon and Namjoon smiled and handed the small ice cream to him. "Thank you love" he said. Grabbing the ice cream from Hoseok's hands, "you're welcome babe" Hoseok responded, "I'll see you when I'm home". Namjoon nodded and walked out the store and Hoseok shook his head

Time passed by quickly after Namjoon left and now it was time to go home. "Goodnight Jimin" Hoseok said as they closed up the shop and then left. Hoseok felt like he was being watched as he walked and turned his head to see 3 guys following him. He pulled his phone out calling Namjoon with his house phone number.... No answer, fuck! Hoseok walked faster until he felt a hand pull him roughly, "hey pretty boy how are you" the voice said as he was pulled to face him. "Stop" Hoseok said, and the guy laughed until Hoseok got mad and took out the pocket knife he had in case of emergencies. "I said stop" Hoseok said through gritted teeth slashing. The knife against the man's neck making him bleed and the 2 other guys run away fearfully. "Fucking pussies", Hoseok mumbled and got on top of the bleeding out man Stabbing him over and over until he couldn't stab anymore.

Hoseok stared at what he did before running home in the pitch black darkness illuminated by the dim street lights. He got home. And slowly closed the door, namjoon looked at Hoseok, then the blood. " you had fun without me baby" Namjoon said and all Hoseok could do was crack a shake smile while his body shook softly.

A/n: hai guys I hope you all are had a good week/weekend💜 I myself has been very busy and tired lately so enjoy this chapter.

Also, I'm really looking for friends, like really talkative friends that I can rant to and won't take 4 days to answer meᰔ UK so yea, also u can. Follow my insta at angelcakeash okayᰔ

When The Killer Loves//NAMSEOK //(under editing)Where stories live. Discover now