Weight and Responsibility

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                                                                   ________PART 1_________


A breeze blows by the king's face, causing his cheeks to redden from the sting of the early winter weather. It's mid-day and all is good in the land as the king stares out from his castle balcony. However, all does not sit right with our young, strapping king. There's a sinking feeling at the pit of his stomach, pulling his posture into a slouch. His eyes carry heavy bags under them from stress. Our young ruler swears he's developing wrinkles already and he's not even thirty. The stress of being a king is certainly one that can age more than just your appearance.

Our king reaches his hands up, his fingers running through his nicely combed, brown hair. His hands grasp onto his crown. He pulls in down so it's in view. Twirling it around in his fingers, the sun catches the gold, causing small rays of light to shoot back. A loud, audible sigh escapes the king's mouth. He brings the crown to touch his forehead, closing his eyes upon the impact. "Oh, mom and dad," He mumbles.

"Why'd you have to leave me?"

There's a brief pause for silence before it is rudely interrupted.
"Why'd who have to leave you?"

The king jumps, startled by the unexpected person speaking. Quickly turning around on his leather boot heel, the king finds the intruder to his thoughts. A tall man, covered fully in armor leans against the entranceway to the castle. There is nothing to give away the man's physical appearance other than that he stands at around 6'3 and his build is stocky. A silver helmet covers his head, obscuring his face. While our king can't see his face he can feel his expression, it is an expression of amusement mixed with teasing. The king rolls his eyes dramatically, placing the crown back on his head. "It's nothing,"
He crosses his arms, putting some weight in his hip to lean on. "Dream, how long have you been standing there?"

The knight, now who we know as Dream steps away from the wall. He straightens his back to make himself look taller than he already is. Taking a step forward as he speaks. "For as long as you've been here, I mean,"

Dream is now only mere feet away from the king. He bends down slightly to stare him in the face. " I am your personal knight, I'm not exactly allowed to leave your side, it's my job to protect you after all."

Our king rolls his eyes once more, the position his knight is in feels rather mocking and almost degrading to him. He turns his head away. "Yes, of course,"

Panning his eyes back, looking over at the man square in the eye (well, he's really just looking at his helmet but you understand what I mean). "I know that, but must you always be so condescending?"
The king flicks his knight's helmet causing Dream to jolt back ever so slightly. He stands up straight. "What can I say? You're fun to tease."

The king scoffs with a chuckle. "You know, you're lucky I put up with you."

Dream crosses his arms with swagger and inquiry. "Oh, how so?"

Our king tilts his head back almost entirely, looking up at his friend. God, he wished he wasn't so short. He places a finger on the man's silver chest plate, accented with green. "Any other king wouldn't put up with your smartassery, they'd order to have your head on a platter by now."

Dream chuckles at these words. "Perhaps, but you do put up with me, don't you?"

The king removes his finger, turning around as he speaks. "Regrettably, yes."

He makes his way back over to the balcony railing. Placing his pale, smooth hands over it as he continues to gaze out at the world. The smile on his face slowly turns into a frown, bringing out his dark eyebags once more. "I can't imagine this is easy, is it?"

The king looks to his left. Back leaned against the edge, arms resting on the railing is Dream. The king sighs. "Yeah, I mean. It was all kinda sprung on me at once."

He brings his hands up to his crown once more, dragging it down to look at. It reflects his face, showing the hollowness of his rich brown eyes. It's a piece of clothing that carries much weight and responsibility, a responsibility our young ruler could never fully prepare for or one he wanted. "Plus, His Royal Highness, King George Henry Davidson seriously doesn't sound right."

"Yea, doesn't quite roll off the tongue well does it?" Dream jokes.

George smiles weakly. "Yeah, it really doesn't, does it?"

There's a long, awkward pause of silence before anyone says a word. "I'm sure you'll make a fantastic king." Dream says.
George looks over at him. "You sure?"

Dream stands up, walking over to his friend, and placing a strong, sturdy hand on his shoulder. His voice is strong but there's a softness to his words. "I know you will."

George relaxes his shoulders a bit, letting a smile take control of his demeanor. For as much of a prick as Dream can be to his king, he sure does know when the time is right to be sincere. Dream removes his hand. "Now, how about we leave this place and go do something else?"

"Sure, besides. It was getting a little chilly out here."

"Sounds good,"

Dream bows a bit, reaching his arms towards the entrance to the castle, making a way for the king. "Take the lead, your majesty."

George chuckles, making his way into the castle. Dream follows just behind as they begin to wander down the many hallways.

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