What it Means to be King

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A/N This chapter takes place right after chapter 13, just so you guys don't get confused.

George did not expect his visit with Eret to be going the way it was. For someone who considered his kingdom the enemy, Eret was being awfully kind to him and George still couldn't wrap his head around why. Eret and their men as well as George and his men traveled along the many winding hallways of the castle, Eret engaging in spouts and bits of small talk every now and again. Eventually, the crew reaches a large balcony that overlooked the entire kingdom. Eret stops in his tracks turning back to his guards and advisor. "Do you mind if I and King George spend some time alone?"

"Alone?" Tubbo echos.

Eret nods. "Yes, have a bit of a heart-to-heart with him."

George looks up at the man, puzzled. "Sir Puffy and Sir Punz can just wait outside, the rest of you may be dismissed."

Tubbo nods, shooing away both Sir Ranboo and Sir Sam while following right behind them. George looks up at the king and then back at his men, they all look bewildered and unsure of what to do. "Did you want your knights to stick around? Cause it's quite alright if-"

George cuts Eret off. "No, no, it's fine. Sir Sapnap, Skeppy, and Ant. You are free to go."

"Go where your Highness?" Ant inquires.

"You can just follow Tubbo and the others, stay with them for a bit," Eret interjects.

The knights nod, taking their leave. Now, it's only Dream left. He speaks up. "And where am I to go, your majesty?"

George looks around, scanning the balcony, his eyes dart to one of the pillars making the archway. He points to it. "Over there, I suppose."

Dream nods, taking his place. Eret smiles brightly, clapping his hands together. "Now, with that out of the way. If you will be so kind as to follow me."

Eret leads the way out into the balcony and George follows. The two reach the edge, Eret leans against the golden railing, staring out at his glorious country. George takes his place beside the king but keeps a short distance. He crosses his arms and stands uneasy. He looks out, this is the first time since George has been here that he really got a look at the kingdom of Euphoria. A small gasp leaves his lips, causing Eret to giggle. "Beautiful isn't it?"

George stares out. Beyond the castle walls, George can see a thriving and flourishing kingdom. Tall buildings with people mingling and bustling about. Further out, there are lush farm fields nearly ready to be harvested. A forest lies just beyond the fields, almost acting like a gate for the city. With the sun shone high in the sky, it casts its brilliant glow onto everything. Eret is correct, it is truly nothing short of beautiful. "Y-yeah, it is..." George replies.

Eret lets out a satisfied hum, continuing to look back out. The two gentlemen stand there for a minute or so, not saying a word. George turns his head, looking at the other king. He still is left puzzled by the king's actions. He coughs into his hand, alerting Eret slightly. "I hate to pry," George begins.

"But why exactly did you bring me out here?"

Eret straightens himself out. "I just wanted some time alone with the king of my opposing kingdom, is there anything wrong with that?"

George scratches his neck. "Well, no. I suppose not, but it just... "

He searches for the words. "How do I put this?"

George looks Eret directly in the eyes. "It's odd."


George nods. "Yeah... I mean, as lovely as it is that you want to give me advice and all that... We're like... Enemies, aren't we?"

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