Physical & Emotional Scars

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Dream stumbles down the hall. A hand grasped around his upper arm. He groans out of pain. Just a few minutes previous Dream had been sparring with his good friend, Sapnap. However, like idiots they are. They opted to not use the normal wooden training swords, instead, they used actual metal swords. Naively thinking nothing would go wrong. Well, things did go wrong. Now, there is a gaping flesh wound on Dream's upper arm. It stings like citrus squeezed into a papercut. However, due to Dream's inability to admit that he needs help, he plays it off, pretending it's not quite as bad as it actually is.

He doesn't feel quite ready to face the king though, he's only wearing a black muscle shirt, brown trousers, and that circular smiley mask the king seems to like so much. He knows he should clean up before meeting his royal highness, but he doesn't.

He makes his way towards King George's room, he knows that George will instantly freak out upon seeing the blood dripping from his hand but that's an issue he'll deal with once he gets to it, which should be any minute now. Dream approaches the large wooden door and opens it slowly. He steps inside while closing the door behind him. Dream clears his throat, trying to ground himself before speaking. "Hello, sire."

George stands across the room, staring out the large bedroom window. He looks over his shoulder, a sweet smile is met with his face. "Hello, Dream, how are-"

George stops himself. His eyes trail down to scan Dream's body. His gaze lands on Dream's bloodied hand. His eyes shoot wide and Dream prepares for the onslaught of concerned filled comments. "Oh my God!" George gasps as he makes his way over to the injured man.

"What happened to you Dream?"

George reaches a hand out, gently grabbing Dream's bloodied hand. Dream doesn't fight back against George's action, he simply turns his head away. "Just a bit of an accident." Dream replies.

"A bit? Dream, you're bleeding all over the place!"

The knight knew George would behave his way, get worried, freak out on his behalf. He knows he could've just gone down to the medical wing of the castle before coming here and fixed himself up but he decided against it for whatever reason. Maybe it was because he wanted George to see him like this, maybe it was because he liked to see him care for him. George grabs hold of Dream's hand, leading him out of the bedroom. "Woah! Where are we going?" Dream asks.

George marches down the hall in a hurry, not daring to look back. "The medical wing."

"What for? George, I'm fine-"

The king stops in his tracks and turns around. He brings a finger up to touch the drawn on smile of Dream's mask, hushing him. Dream takes note of George's eyes at this moment. They're filled with frustration yet also calming worry and concern. "No, you're not fine. You're bleeding really badly."

"Oh come on, it's not that bad. I'll be fine-"

George pushes his finger harder to the mask, Dream immediately shuts his mouth. "Dream, stop arguing with me on this. I'm getting you help,"

He removes his finger. "King's orders is that understood."

Dream swallows hard while nodding silently. A small satisfactory smile meets the king's lips before turning around. George continues to lead the two down a series of many staircases and halls, turning in and out of corridors and passing many doors until eventually, they reach one oak door labeled "Medical Wing." Without a word, George pushes the door open, there's nobody inside which isn't surprising since it's nearly nightfall.

George looks around the many cabinets and shelves. After scanning for a minute or so, he points to one of the counters. "You can sit over there."

Dream looks to where the king points. It's a basic marble, white counter. He laughs a bit. "George-"

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