You're an Idiot. Maybe I am.

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"Your majesty!"

George is awakened by someone violently shaking his body and yelling in his ear. He springs awake, almost fully sitting up in his bed. He turns his head to the side, seeing who startled him from his peaceful slumber. With his face in a complete panic and body all tensed up, the man standing in front of him is none other than the royal advisor. "Bad?" George says in a still very groggy tone.

He looks antsy and holds the worry of a concerned mother. "Are you ok?" He asks.

George shakes his body, pulling his arm away from Bad, which was being held firmly in his grasp. He treads with suspicion and inquiry in his words. "Yes, I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be?"

"Did you not hear all the clattering last night?"

George raises an eyebrow to Bad's question. "No...Should have I? Ok, listen,"

George shifts around on the bed so he's fully sitting up and not in the awkward position he's currently in. He stares at his advisor with sternness as he continues to speak. "Could you please explain what's going on?"

Bad takes a deep breath as he moves away from the king. "The-the castle was robbed last night."

George springs up, wide-eyed. "What?!"

"Yes, and I-"

Now it's the king's turn to morph into a crazed panic. He firmly grasps Bad's shoulders causing him to tense up in alarm. "What did they take?"


"Also, is Dream ok?"

"I'm fine, nice to know you care."

George and Bad turn their heads. Standing by the door is the stoic, tall knight, Dream. He's pulling on his leather boots. A wave of relief washes over George as he relaxes his hands, letting them drop from Bad's shoulders. Dream finishes tightening the laces on his boots then makes his way over to the other two. "Yeah, some asshole ki-"

"Language!" Bad retorts.

Though neither person can see Dream's face, they just know he's rolling his eyes. "Anyway, some kid came through the castle last night and looted a bunch of stuff."

"A kid?" George asks.

"Yes, eyewitnesses indicate it was probably one of Technoblade's brothers."

George's eyebrows raise up in alarm. "Technoblade? You mean the terrorist that's exiled."

Bad pushes his glasses up his face. "Correct."

"Crime really does run in that family." Dream says with a huff.

"Yeah, it does. Doesn't it?" George mumbles.

He shoots his attention back to Bad. "So, what exactly did the little gremlin take?"

Dream chuckles a bit at his comment. "Well, I think that'll be a little better explained once you aren't...You know."

"I'm not what?"

Then it hits him, George looks down, remembering he's still not changed out of his nightwear. Admittable, it's a tad bit embarrassing to which he blushes a bit. "Oh, right..."

Bad scratches the back of his neck awkwardly. "Yea...Listen, I'll wait for you outside and once you're changed, I'll explain all that needs to be said. Sounds good?"

George nods his head. "Ok, fantastic. I'll just be right outside your door, your majesty."

"Got it, you are dismissed."

With that, Bad bows slightly and takes his leave. After he closes the door, George moves across the room towards his wardrobe. He opens it, many robes and shirts all aligned perfectly side by side facing him. George's eyes dart across the arsenal of clothing. "Wow, you picking out your own outfit? I thought that was one of the assistant's jobs." Dream jokes.

George groans and rolls his eyes with a smile. "I'm an adult Dream, not a five-year-old. I am more than capable of picking out my own clothing."
"Yeah, but how are you gonna know if it looks any good. You can't see."

George spins around to playfully glare at his knight. He crosses his arms as he speaks. "I'm only colourblind, not blind Dream."

Dream shrugs his shoulders. "Well, I know that but still."

George rolls his eyes once more before turning back around to look at his wardrobe. "Besides, I can't still pick out a decent outfit,"

He trails his finger across the many outfits on the hangers. A varying array of blues, yellows, and browns meet his eyes. He reaches in and grabs a few different clothes pieces. He turns back around to look at Dream, holding up his outfit as he speaks. "I just need to stick to the colours I'm most comfortable with."

Dream looks at the outfit. It's a puffy-sleeved blue button-up, a pair of black pants, with a dark blue cape. "Blue?"

"Yeah, it's my favourite colour."

Dream sighs. "That's fair, I guess. Plus, blue looks good on you."

George feels his ribcage tighten and a small amount of blush rise to his cheeks but he groans to play it off. "You're an idiot."

"Perhaps, but you still put up with me regardless." Dream replies while turning his back to George.

"I do, quite regrettably so," George says as he starts to change.

It takes a minute or so until George is fully changed into his royal attire. Once he's done, he spins back around. He reaches his hands out and shakes them jazz-hand style. "Tah-dah." He says.

Dream turns to look at the king. He gives him a thumbs up. "Looking rather blue my liege."

George groans with a smile. "You're such an idiot."

"Is that all you ever have to say to me? Do you seriously not have any better insults up those puffy sleeves of yours?"

George makes his way towards Dream. "Well, I mean. I'm only stating facts, am I not."

Dream laughs, the hollowness of his helmet echoing his sound throughout the room. "Maybe, but if I'm an idiot. Then you're short."

George looks up at Dream who towers over him, he lifts an eyebrow in confusion. "What does my height have to do with me calling you an idiot?"

Dream shugs. "Nothing I guess, just thought I should point it out."

George rolls his eyes. "You're so dumb."

"Maybe I am, maybe I am."

A loud knock comes from the spruce door to George's room. Both boys stop their friendly banter to shoot their attention to the noise. Bad's voice echoes from the other side. "Your majesty, I hate to rush you but this is a serious matter and I'd rather not wait all day to have it settled."

"Understood, I'll be out in a second!" George replies.

He looks back at his friend and sighs heavily with a smile. "Looks like mama is calling you." Dream teases.

George playfully pushes Dream away while turning around. "Oh, shut up!"

With that, both Dream and George make their way to the door, ready to face Bad's endless chatter and concern filled comments.

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