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George walks around the castle like a mad dog, rambling things off while the royal party planner, Hbomb as they call him, jots them down. "We'll need invitations, banners, probably new silverware. I'm gonna need the royal tailor to make a new outfit for me, so I should contact her to get things drafted up. And the food, what kind of food should we have? Steak, pork roast?"

"Um, your highness. Can you slow down just a bit, I'm having trouble getting this all down." Hbomb politely interrupts.

George looks to the man, he's viciously writing things down onto the parchment in his hands. He nods. "Sure, take your time."

George, his knight Dream, and Hbomb continue to walk down the hall, waiting for the party planner to finish writing all of the king's ideas. George twiddles his thumbs, keeping his gaze to the floor. He's on edge and Dream can tell. "You ok?" He asks.

George looks up, trying to conjure up a believable smile. "Just a little anxious is all. I've never had to plan such a big event."

Dream nods understandably. "Well, that's why we've got Hbomb, I'm sure he'll be able to help you out."

The bearded man waves his quill in the air with a smile. "Sure will. It's exciting really, I haven't planned an event since,"

The man ponders for a minute or so, counting back the years in his mind. "Well, I guess since your parents were on the throne but even then, they weren't the partying kind of people. I swore I'd be out of a job! This is the first big event I've had to help plan in some time."
George smiles, it's comforting to know others have his back. To know he doesn't have to face things alone like he once thought he did. "Well, what do you think we should do?"

Hbomb taps the feathered part of his quill to his head, thinking for a minute or so. "Well, for the venue I was thinking of doing a masquerade ball."
George cocks his head. "A masquerade ball?"

The man looks up at the king, nodding. "Yeah, they're fun. Not to mention fun to plan. We could even get the knights in on it."

Dream immediately shakes his head at the idea. George takes note. "What's wrong, don't like the idea?"

"Well," Dream begins. "It's not that I think it's a bad idea. I just don't think it'd be good for me to participate in. You know, cause of the whole,"
Dream gestures to his face. "Not showing face thing."

"It's a masquerade ball, Sir Dream. Nobody would see your face anyway, you'd have a mask on." Hbomb pipes in.

Dream adjusts his posture to stand more upright but still stiff with unsureness. "Yeah, but those masks only cover your eyes. I'm still not keen on people seeing the lower half of my face."

George chimes in. "We could always just adjust the design of your mask so it covers everything."

"Really?" Dream asks.

George nods. "Yeah, I wouldn't want you feeling uncomfortable."

Dream smiles, he knows George can't see it but he still feels its warmth. The king then looks to Hbomb who is still jotting down things. "Would that be too much trouble? To change the design of Dream's mask to accompany his comfort?"

The light brown-haired looks up, meeting the king's gaze. "Oh, yeah. It should be no trouble at all. Let me just write that down. I'll pass it down to Niki and the others on her team."

Dream relaxes a bit. "So, why a masquerade? Also, why do you wanna get the knights involved? Shouldn't we be...You know, doing our job protecting the king?" Dream says.

"Oh, you'd still be doing that. I just thought it'd be a good way to build community. Also, it makes our kingdom more approachable, less of a threat."
Hbomb stops himself, realizing that he never got the ok from the king on this matter. "That is if it's ok with the king."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2021 ⏰

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