Rebuilding Bridges

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George walks down the cobblestone street, Ant and Sapnap behind, with Dream by his side. "Your highness, I hate to pry." Ant pipes up.

George looks over his shoulder. "But where exactly did you say the president and his cabinet were going to meet us?"

George looks into the distance and points his finger straight ahead . "The city hall building, right up there."

All the men look to where the king points. A tall, red brick building stands. It has a banner stretched across the top titled "El Rapids City Hall."

Ant scratches his head. "It's a bit run down."

Sapnap grins. "I think it gives it character, it's nice."

George looks into the distance. Four men stand on the steps of the building. George takes a deep breath, feeling his stomach tie in knots. Dream senses his discomfort to which he places a hand on his shoulder. "You ok, your highness?"

George jumps at little upon being touched. He looks up and smiles meekly. "Yeah... Just a little nervous."

Dream removes his hand. "You'll do great, I just know it."

"Eh! His royal kingliness!"

Everyone turns their attention up ahead. A man, short in height stands. His hair is jet black but mostly covered by a blue hat. He wears a blue tunic with black trousers. His face is smug yet inviting. He waves his hand. "¡Hola, mi amigos!" He calls.

"Those they guys, your highness?" Ant asks skeptically.

George nods his head, swallowing back his fears. "Yes, they are."

George and his men approach. The man in the center, the one with the beanie smiles. "So," He says.

"L'manburg finally has a new king? Could be a nice change of pace."

The man's words leave George a little uneasy but he tries to ignore it. Dream coughs into his hand. "You're supposed to bow when meeting a king."

George shoots a glance up at his knight. "Dream..." He wines.

The man in the center laughs. "Ha! Yeah ok pal, let me just remind you."

He steps towards Dream. "You're no longer in your kingdom. You're in El Rapids baby! So, if anything, you should be bowing to me."

"Ok, sorry..." Dream grumbles.

"Now anyway," The blacked haired man says, turning his attention back to the king.

He holds out his hand for a handshake. "I'm president Quackity of El Rapids."

George takes his hand and shakes it with a smile. "Pleasure, I'm King George of L'manburg."

Quackity lets go of the king's hand. "Well, yeah. I knew that."

He looks behind him, at the other men standing. "This is my vice president, Jschaltt."

A man steps forward, he's taller than Quackity. His face is square in shape and he has lambchop sideburns on his face. On either side of his head are ram horns. His smile is mischievous and manical. "Hello." He says.

Quackity turns his attention to the next man. "And that is my sexy-tary-of state, Karl."

George coughs in alarm at the name. "I'm sorry, the what?"

The man, Karl rolls his eyes and steps forward. "He means the secretary of state."

"No, I'm pretty sure I meant sexy-tary-of state."

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