That's Why They're Called Rumors

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The door opens and out steps Dream and George. Bad taps his foot impatiently against the floor, arms crossed. "Took you long enough, now come along. We don't have all day to settle things."

With that, he spins around on his heel and begins to walk down the hall, the king and his knight following just behind him. "So," George begins.

"What exactly did the guy take?"

"From what we could tell, some food, two sacks of gold coins, and one of the royal horses."

"Oh," George says through cringe-filled, clenched teeth.

"Yeah, I tried to catch the brat but once they took that horse. I stood no chance." Dream chimes in.

The trio turns a corner, walking down a long and wide set of stairs. "You said that this was one of Technoblade's brothers?" George asks.

Bad adjusts his cloak as he speaks. "Yes, at least that's what we think. Nobody got a clear view of the individual but he was holding a sword that looked identical to the ones Technoblade used to craft."

George scratches his head in thought. "Did no one seriously get a look at the guy? Are just running off a hunch?"

Dream jumps in. "Ok, to be fair. The guy was wearing a mask and had a hood over his head, but yeah. We are going off of a hunch."

George mutters under his breath, dissatisfactory. "Jesus."

The group reaches the bottom of the steps which leads them into the entrance hall to the castle. "Do remind me Bad, where are you taking us?" George asks.


Bad points off into the distance. Standing by the two large mahogany wood doors is a man with a couple of guards surrounding him. He is about average height and wears a green and white striped hat on his head. He's also clothed in a green cloak. He looks very calm, not a trace of anxiousness can be found. George raises an eyebrow. "Is that-"

Dream interrupts. "The dirty exile pig's dad, yeah."

"Sir Dream, watch your tongue." Bad sharply says.

The three approach the man and the guards too which, upon them seeing George, they bow. They all stay like that for a few seconds before the king signals them to stand. He looks at the man in the green robe and long blond hair in the eyes. He continues to keep a monotone, calm expression. "Your majesty." The man says with a great amount of respect.

"Philza, didn't think we'd see you back here again," George says.

He looks at the guards, all standing at attention. "You are dismissed, just stand back there for a bit." He says.

"Sire, I don't think-" Bad begins to speak before George's hand raising stops him.

"Bad, it's just Phill. I doubt he's going to do much of anything to hurt me."

Bad backs down, lowering his head in submission.
With that the guards all take their leave, staying within distance to still jump to the king's aid if needed but not so close that they can hear the conversation about to take place. George looks over his shoulder, Dream still stands beside him at attention, hand on the hilt of his sword. "That means you too Dream."

The knight looks down. "Are you sure?"

"Quite sure, I appreciate it but I'm quite alright by myself."

Dream nods his head and steps away, walking towards the rest of the knights. Three knights stand side by side, chattering to one another. Among them stands Sapnap. He waves to Dream with a cheerful smile. "Hey Dream, how's it hanging?"

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