The Road Home

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George stands in front of his carriage, knights by his side and Eret standing straight ahead. They have a warm glow to him. At their side is the advisor, Tubbo. Behind stands his knights. "Well, I wish you well," Eret says.

George smiles brightly while nodding. "As do I."

"Have a safe trip back." Eret wishes.

"We will."

One of George's knights, Skeppy opens the carriage door, making way for the king to enter. "Well, farewell," George says.

"Farewell," Eret replies.

George takes a step up, moving into the carriage and taking his seat, Dream follows behind him. George gives the king a friendly wave goodbye before Skeppy closes the door. Within a couple of minutes, the carriage and crew set out. George gives a couple more solidarity waves goodbye before bringing his hands to rest comfortably in his lap. As the carriage moves out, George stares out the window, taking one last look at the beautiful kingdom of Euphoria. "So, how was your conversation with King Eret?" Dream pipes up.

George looks back, smiling a bit. "It was good, got a lot of insight from them."

"Oh really?" Dream asks, inquiring to hear more.

George nods. "Guess my worrying was all for nothing, huh?"

Dream reaches a hand forward, placing it gently on George's knee. "See, what I tell you?"

A warm smile meets his lips and he hums and glee. Dream too lets a smile meet his mouth as he removes his hand. "So, what did King Eret tell you? Or is it a secretive thing?"

George chuckles a bit before replying. "He just gave me general advice about how to run the kingdom, very genuine guy."

Dream props an elbow up on the wall and rests his head into his knuckles. He basks in the presence of his king, how at ease he looks. It's nice to see him relaxed for a change. George continues to ramble about the many tips and all the advice Eret bestowed upon him. Dream simply listens, melting with every word spilling from his mouth. He feels unwary with the emotions building in his chest but he decides to deal with them later. Suddenly, George stops speaking, he smirks. "Dream, you're staring."

The knight snaps out of it, quickly pulling his head away from his hand. He feels his face flush upon being caught. "How would you know that? You can't see my face."

George chuckles. "I see right through you, you may be able to hide your feelings from others, but not me."

A gentle smile meets George's eyes. Dream feels a tightness in his ribcage. Whether from being flustered or fear, he doesn't know. Dream tries to play off the aggressive blush fighting at his cheeks. "Oh yeah?" He retorts.

George leans back, swinging a leg over his other and crossing his arms. "Mhm, I can read you like a book."

Dream nods, a thought enters his brain. It's risky and honestly, he doesn't know if he should follow through with it. However, Dream is an impulsive prick. Always doing before he thinks. He reaches a hand forward, placing it on George's knee. The king immediately jumps out of his skin. He gently taps his knee, a series of goosebumps run up George's spine. Dream lowers his voice into a rumble. "See, I don't think that's true."

George stays speechless, his face is a bright red, Dream finds it almost endearing. "I think it's actually quite the opposite."

George swallows hard, trying to regain himself. "Oh yeah, what makes you think that?"

Dream chuckles, leaning in closer. His mind screams at him to stop, to pull back but his body seems to take a life of its own. "Oh come on," He begins.

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