Biting the Bullet

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George looks out the window, the castle is approaching. The carriage treads over a nicely laid out cobblestone bridge, crossing over a moat of water. George hadn't had much time to look out at the sights and town of Euphoria through the small carriage window, he was too busy trying to calm his nerves. However, Dream's reassuring words were quite helpful in his efforts to ease his mind. The carriage and coach come to a stop. George feels his stomach drop. One of Dream's hands comes back down to rest on George's knee. He looks up, Dream is no longer wearing the mask with the dorky drawn on smile, but rather his normal metallic knight's helmet. George isn't sure when Dream changed back over into it but he almost feels sad upon seeing him wear it again. For as much as George teased Dream about it, he had a point. It did have charm, a charm that George adored. "You ready?" Dream asks.

George takes a heavy and shaky breath, trying to stabilize himself. "I'm not sure but there's really no backing out of it now."

Dream gently squeezes George's knee. "Just remember, I'm with you."

George nods, feeling warmth building in his chest. Suddenly, the carriage door swings open, Dream lets go of George's knee. George straightens his back and tries to look as proper and put together as he can. It's Ant. "We're here, your highness." He says.

George takes one more deep breath, he knows he has to be strong, show no fear and bite the bullet, or arrow if you will. George looks back once more at Dream and while he can't see his eyes he can still feel their calming and reassuring presence. The king turns back to Ant who stands at attention. One hand on the door handle and another outstretched for George to take. George takes it, stepping down carefully, Dream follows just behind.

George nearly gasps upon seeing the castle. It's huge, and a marvellous white. The windows are all stained glass, all lined like the colours of the rainbow. It's magnificent. "Hello, gentlemen."

All eyes divert away from the castle and change to gaze upon the person speaking. A young man stands, he wears a green robe with a light brown tunic underneath. His hair is a fluffy dark brown. His face is youthful, he couldn't be older than seventeen. Beside him stands two knights. Both have masks covering the lower halves of their faces and stand quite higher than the boy.
The one to the boy's left is tall and thin, almost lengthy. His skin is split in colour. One half is black with his eye being green. The other half is white with his eye being red. His hair is also a half and half colour, also consisting of black and white.
The man to the boy's right is taller than the half and half man. He wears a green mask to match his unnaturally green coloured hair. He wears golden armour.

Both men look freakishly tall compared to the boy in the middle. The three approach. George's knights, Subpoena, Ant, Dream, and Skeppy take their place at his side. The boy smiles. "It's an honour to meet you, your highness." He takes a slight bow.

George is baffled a bit by the greeting, he stammers a bit as he speaks. "P-pleasure to meet you too..."

George searches for a name before realizing he doesn't know the title of the boy. The boy chuckles a bit upon seeing George's puzzled expression, he holds out his hand. "My name is Toby, the royal advisor of King Eret, but please. Call me Tubbo."

"Royal advisor?" Sapnap pipes up.

George clenches his teeth, he sometimes wishes the man would just learn to hold his tongue. "You don't look to be any older than ten."

The comment ends with a swift elbow jab from Ant to Sapnap's rib cage, causing the man to groan a bit in pain. Tubbo doesn't seem to take offence to the comment, smiles with his response. "Yeah, I get that a lot. I'm actually seventeen,"

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