pillow fight ☁️

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third pov

"jimin, i don't wanna fucking do this," taehyung said nervously as he attempted to get out of the dare by pulling out his infamous puppy dog eyes.

"nope nope look away taehyung. those aren't gonna work on me today," jimin said as he shut his eyes and put his two hands to block taehyungs face for him. "you've already ditched three dares with your puppy eyes, but not this time taetae."

"i'll do my next dare, i swear!" taehyung exclaimed, any hope of getting away from his dare today was beginning to surface.

"that's what you said last time, and look where we're at now babes," the blonde-haired male said, arms crossed over his tucked-in light blue long-sleeved shirt which matched with a pair of tight black pants and black boots.

taehyung could tell jimin was starting to get a bit annoyed since everyone always fulfilled their dare except him. taehyung opened his mouth to protest once again but was quickly quieted when jimin gave him that look. the look that would make any grown man cry and shit their pants at the same time.

both males were alone in the quieter sections of target (lmao idk i just chose the first store that came to mind) as jimin passed taehyung two soft white pillows that were still in its plastic packaging.

the dare was simple. simply pop out at an oncoming stranger, whoever it may be, and toss them one of the pillows and yell "pillow fight". compared to other dates that namjoon, seokjin, and jimin have done, taehyung was let off with the easiest dare yet. but what taehyung was worried about was not only getting kicked out of the store but running into a 'karen'.

jimin assured that if they did run into one, that he'd handle it but taehyung really doesn't feel like going to the police station tonight because his best friend beat up a lady. nonetheless, taehyung went to the end of one of the isles and waited until he heard someone approaching.

he probably should've dressed up in comfier, but he didn't want to look like he didn't put effort into his clothing when jimin looked like a fucking runway model. that still didn't mean he had to wear a black turtle neck with tight light blue pants that accentuated his curves with a pair of black low cut vans.

taehyung stood uncomfortably as he waited for someone to pass by, and just when he was about to tell jimin that no one was passing by and they should leave, he heard voices. he was about to play it off like he didn't hear them until he locked eyes with jimin when he heard one of the voices, it sounded like a dude, laugh.

jimin arched his eyebrow and mouthed the word 'showtime', as he shifted his weight to the left side of his body, arms still crossed. taehyung took a deep breath as he heard that the voices were close and leaped out into the other males views. without a second thought, he threw the pillow at one of the males and shouted "pillow fight!" as he swung his pillow at the other.

what he really didn't expect was for the other to start swinging back, a pillow fight ensuing. jimin eyes bulged as he caught up with taehyung who was laughing his ass off with the other male he was pillow fighting with.

jimin had seen that the male had a friend and politely introduced himself.

"hi, my names jimin, and im sorry about this. it's a dare and i didn't think he'd actually do it since he always chickens out," jimin said with a small giggle which made his eyes turn into crescents.

"my names hoseok, and it's fine. by the looks of it, jungkook doesn't care and he's laid back so he won't argue or actually fight anybody. if anything, i think your friend might be his type, but he hasn't noticed yet," the black-haired male said, laughing as he looked at the two other males that were still having a pillow fight, neither wanting to admit defeat.

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