library ☁️

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perhaps i giggled

third pov

it was safe to say that taehyung was having a mid-life crisis. i mean, anyone in college would be scratching at their brains at the end of any semester. he was behind on 3 different essays for 3 different classes and if he even thought about his project for art, he was sure to lose it.

so there he sat in the library, on the verge of bursting out into tears as he was barely hanging on by a thread of self-respect. of course, at the end of the semester, the library was bound to be swarming with fellow panicking students. because hey, college. he's just happy that he was chum with the librarian. a great lady, really. taehyung lives for her chocolate chip homemade cookies.

he managed to land himself in a more secluded area where the sound of frantic keyboard typing wasn't knowing at his eardrums as he tried to focus on the different theories of art. he nibbled at the delicious cookie the librarian had given him as he continued to scribble down ideas and main topics for his essay that was due tomorrow.

he had nothing.

well, technically speaking, the professor does take off points for name, date, and class so at least he's got something down. but no matter how hard he tried to think, his mind ran blank. he was now regretting on agreeing with seokjin to going to that stupid party after the lesson of art theory.

he slammed his forehead on the wooden desk, causing a loud thump to echo around his area. he closed his eyes as he let his mind wander to the day of the lecture. he remembered seeing different powerpoint slides of different examples of paintings like abstract and symbolism, but easy topics aren't going to guarantee an A. Everyone was doing the easy topics for their essays, but taehyung wanted to ensure that his essay was going to be different and better than the others.

especially since his gpa is dropping a bit too much for his comfort. he hated how when it was quiet, the silence would get to his head and he couldn't think. but when he was surrounded by people, he found himself blaming everyone else but himself for getting distracted. even if it was his own fault.

taehyung was mere seconds from pulling out his hair when someone walked into the small and secluded are. and taehyung swore he couldn't breathe. his lungs were on fire while he looked at the hottest man he's ever seen in the college he's attending.

the man wasn't the typical college student who just threw on whatever smelled the best, even if it was dirty, in order not to be late for classes. he wore chunky boots that had black ripped skinny jeans tucked into them. he also spotted a dark tucked in gray shirt with an oversized jacket to cover his small waist, even though taehyung still noticed it.

taehyung hadn't realized he's been staring until he felt something wet on his hand. he looked down to see.. omg he was drooling. he quickly wiped off his own spit on his dark blue denim shorts as he rubbed his mouth with his other hand in order to get rid of the drool dripping down his chin.

if the other had noticed that he was staring before he had, taehyung would've probably booked it (no pun intended) out of the library and never had returned. ok, maybe not never. the librarian was still a sweet lady he adores talking to.
just when taehyung composed himself, the other had made his way in front of the other.

"um excuse me," the soothing voice said, lulling taehyung into enchantment. taehyung had never heard a voice so angelic and captivating yet so husky and endearing. he wanted to hear it more often preferably moani-

"y-yes?" taehyung asked, snapping himself out of his godforsaken sleazy thoughts. he was not trying to pop a boner by a dude he just met in a damn library. even if his self-respecting is going down in shambles, others didn't need to know that.

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