anxious ⚠️☁️

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angst & fluff

jeon jungkook, the adventurous boy and daredevil. nothing seemed to scare him. he had the world in the palms of his hands. he lived for the thrill and rushes of adrenaline. he lived for taking risks.

then there's kim taehyung. the boy with anxiety. the boy who felt suffocated when there's too many people in one room. the boy who's scared of social interaction because of others judgement. sure, he could do simple things without getting terrified and having an anxiety attack, but if he even overthought something too much then it always went downhill.

it all started when they had run into each other in the hallways. no, it wasn't your typical high school 'brush the shoulders and drop your books' type of meeting. it was, sadly, a bit more embarrassing than that. well, for taehyung anyway.

taehyung had already been put on edge before the incident occurred. he had a solo presentation in his AP Chem class and he felt as if he was being judged by the students who were intently listening to him. the classroom seemed to grow in bigger in size and his peers grins made him hesitate. he couldn't help but stutter and began sweating and the laughter of a student didn't exactly ease him.

he already felt tears welling in his eyes when the bell had rang, dismissing the class. he ran out so fast that the Chem teacher hadn't even taken off his presentation yet. he walked with his head down, not really paying attention to his surroundings.

meanwhile, jungkook was just sitting in his boring math class waiting for it to be over. he wasn't even paying attention, mostly looking at the clock on the teachers plain walls ticking down the time until dismissal. he already knew more than half of the stuff being taught anyway.

when there was only around half a minute left, he was already out of his seat ready to just leave. he didn't have any of his best friends in this class which only made it even more torturing. so when he finally got out into the hallway to see one of his usual best friends, yoongi, he finally broke out into a smile.

the two walked in the middle of the hallway, being loud and cracking inside jokes. that was until jungkook bumped into a small figure. his eyes slightly widened as he reached forward to keep them from falling. that person being none other than kim taehyung.

"shit, are you ok?"

jungkook asks looking into taehyungs eyes. he started panicking when the brunette began to cry. taehyung started to bawl in the middle of the hallway during passing periods, surrounded by many students who were looking at him with either a surprised or irritated expression. jungkook, on the other hand, was wondering what in the hell he did to make him cry.

"dude, what the fuck did you do to the kid?"
yoongi asked, looking at jungkook who was holding taehyung by the arms while the boy was crying.

"i didn't do anything! he just started crying!"
jungkook was panicking because why in the hell is this boy having a full-on mental breakdown when he just barely brushed his shoulder? it's not like he meant for it to happen.

"hey, hey. i'm sorry. i wasn't watching where i was going. you don't need to cry. i'm sorry."

he said with gentle eyes as taehyung began to wipe his tears away with his hands that were clenched into fists.

" i-it's not your-you're f-fault."

taehyung barely managed to hiccup out but jungkooks ears barely picked them up and he was instantly obsessed with this boys voice. it was smooth despite his crying. his shy voice only making him a tad bit more intrigued. he decided there and then that it was his favorite voice ever.

" 'm sorry. i'll watch where i g-go next time. s-sorry to be a bother."

just when he was about to walk off, jungkook grabbed a hold of the boys small wrist and pulled him back into his own frame. then he whispered quietly

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