kitten pt. 2 ☁️

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third pov

jungkook was currently on the phone talking to yoongi about the two hybrids meeting up. apparently, yoongi already knew about taehyung since jimin was hysterical the entire time he was with yoongi. jungkook could only chuckle when he heard jimin become excited and the sound of shuffling as he tried to pry the phone out of yoongis hands.

"i-is taetae there? i wanna talk to tae!" jimin yelled as jungkook winced and pulled the phone away from his ear.

"i'll give the phone to taehyung, jimine. just please stop yelling." jungkook sighed. he knew yoongi didn't like it when others were loud so he was doing a favor for both of them. jimin immediately yelled a 'yes' before apologizing for being loud once again.

jungkook walked over to his couch where his hybrid lay. he had changed into jungkooks clothing, a big white t-shirt and boxers that they had to cut a hole in and fuzzy socks. taehyung wasn't comfortable in pants yet, so he decided against wearing them. jungkook looked at the ethereal beauty laying down on the couch and was thinking if he should wake the sleeping beauty up.

jungkook decided to since he could hear jimin get impatient through the phone. with a roll of his eyes, jungkook bent down so he was face level with taehyung. he carded his fingers through the males soft locks as he tried to wake him up.

"tae," he whispered gently, " someone's on the phone and they wanna talk to you."

taehyung slowly sat up and rubbed at his teary eyes. his eyes were a bit squinted and a natural pout overtook his face from being woken up. jungkooks hand was still making its way through taehyungs hair and the kitten leaned into the touch, purring in satisfaction.

jungkook handed the phone over to the drowsy male as taehyung struggled to take it since the shirt's sleeves were too long and were hanging past his hands like sweater paws. once he gave up on rolling up the sleeves, he took the phone through the clothing and pressed it to his ear.

"hello?" he said quietly, still trying to fully wake up. jungkook braced himself for jimins yelling and quickly pulled the phone away from taehyungs sensitive ears.

"TAEHYUNGIE! I MISSED YOU TIGER!" jungkook could practically hear jimins pout through the phone. he chuckled as taehyungs eyes lit up and he let go of the felines wrist and let him talk to jimin.

"j-jimine i missed you so much. i want b-back to o-out spot and you w-weren't there. i th-thought they g-got you." taehyung began to tear up at the thought of his brother getting caught and immediately being killed on sight. he didn't want to imagine it but that was the harsh reality of green-eyed hybrids. reality showed no mercy.

"i'm fine taehyungie. yoonie found me and he gave me food and water! he said i can stay with him for as long as i want! isn't that amazing?"

taehyung was happy that his brother was safe. he was happy that he wasn't out in the streets and constantly in danger of being murdered by anyone. his brother didn't have to worry about what his next meal was going to be anymore. it was rare for people to accept green-eyed hybrids so he was beyond thankful towards "yoonie".

"that is amazing jimine. jimine i miss you. i wanna hug you and i wanna talk to you so bad. they did bad things jimine. i-i thought i was ne-never gonna ser y-you again." chills crawled up his spine as he thought of what happened to him all over again. his vision began to turn blurry as tears brimmed his lilac eyes. his bottom lip jutted out as he felt like he was about to burst out in tears.

jungkooks heart broke into two. how dare anybody abuse and harm this poor innocent soul. he put his hand on taehyung knee as he began to rub it. the hybrid looked down at the raven-head and smiled as he melted against the touch. he quickly blinked his tears away as he continued to talk to his brother.

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