bus ☁️

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i changed it up a bit.

☁️- fluff
⚠️- angst
🔞- mature

anyways enjoy!😌

if there was one thing kim taehyung hated most it was buses.

being really close to people who're sweaty and don't smell pleasant sucks after a tiring day of college. especially since the dance instructor was being such a pain in the ass about how he was doing a certain dance move. taehyung was convinced the teacher didn't like him. him being the only student held back today was only proving his point to be correct.

so when he had just come back from classes, he couldn't find it in himself to walk home. he kept in mind that his house was almost a 20-minute walk so he divided to suck it up and just deal with sweaty armpits. his thighs were aching and he felt a bit dizzy since he had forgotten his water bottle at his apartment.

today really wasn't a good day.

he was really starting to regret the decision of not walking home because this sweaty old man who looked overweight currently had his hands holding onto a high bar so his hairy armpits were out in the open for everyone to smell his disgusting stench.

out in the open right in front of taehyungs face, that is. taehyung found himself silently gagging to himself, mentally cursing at the people who had the luxury of sitting down.

the bus began to get rocky and taehyung found himself getting closer and closer to the old man and he gradually began to lean back. his eyes focused on the long armpit hairs that were visible underneath the short-sleeved shirt.

so when the bus came to an abrupt stop he ended up losing grip on his handlebar and fell onto someone's firm lap with a big "oof". he was already dizzy and the fall surely didn't help him. his head pounded and he hated everything at the moment.

he shook his head little to ease the haze and looked into a pair of big doe eyes. taehyungs eyes widened and he began to blush. as did the doe-eyed boy.

taehyung began to analyze the boys face as did the other. both realizing just how beautiful the other was. the different moles scattered all over their faces. their unique captivating eyes. a trance taking over the both of them as they didn't notice the lady sitting next to them, looking at them weirdly.

jungkook, the doe-eyed boy, was the first to snap out of the daze, looked at his lap where the smaller boy was still sitting on. taehyung gasped in realization and scrambled to get off of him. that was until he felt a pair of hands on his waist and a deep yet calming voice say,

"you can take my seat love. you look tired."

to say taehyung looked stunned was an understatement. holy shit he could fall asleep to the lovely velvety voice. he got a bit more red at the doe-eyes boys firm grip on his small waist. god his hands were fucking huge.

"u-um thank you."

taehyung sat down and looked up at the attractive boy. god spent his time on him, that's for sure.

jungkook stood next to where taehyung was seated and held onto a high bar, unknowingly lifting his shirt to reveal his lower abdomen.

taehyung began to slightly stare, and drool, and the mans visible abs. jungkook, feeling the stare, looked down at the boy and smirked. taehyung looked up to see the piercing stare and quickly looked away.

"ya know love, you're pretty cute. would be a shame to not know such a beauty's name."

taehyung snapped his head up quickly, any faster and he probably would've broken it. his eyes widened comedically and jungkook couldn't help but chuckle. it was safe to say that taehyung was freaking the fuck out. no one had ever flirted so openly with him. and if somebody had, they didn't make it as noticeable as the boy in front of him.

"it's taehyung. kim taehyung." taehyung said, silently cursing himself for stuttering.

"well, taehyung, you really are such a sight for sore eyes."

if taehyung wasn't red before then he definitely was now. he felt heat rush to his face as he took his bottom lip in between his teeth.

"you're so bold."

"i prefer the term daring."

"you aren't too bad yourself..."

"my names jeon jungkook, in case you were wondering."

"well jungkook, you are also very attractive."

"i'd like to think so. if i wasn't, i wouldn't dare to talk with a divine being such as yourself."

"you're so shameless."

"if i'm so shameless then it wouldn't be out of character to ask for your number."

"it wouldn't." taehyung said softly and he looked down at his twiddling thumbs with a equally soft expression.

and so taehyung stuck out his palm, waiting for jungkooks phone to be given to him.

jungkook was quick to take out his phone and hand it over.
taehyung was giggling while jungkook threw him a puzzled look.

"how do you expect me to give you my number if your phone is locked?"

"oh um sorry."

'cute' taehyung thought, as jungkook fumbled with his phone frantically while having a light pink tint dusting his cheeks.

the bus came to a stop and more of the people crowding the bus had unloaded. one of the people being the person sitting next to taehyung. taehyung was quick to scoot over and pat the seat next to him.

before the bus had begun to move, jungkook was quick to sit in the empty seat before anyone else could even attempt to steal it.

"is it safe to say that i am talking to someone now?" jungkook asked with a slight eyebrow raise.

"well, i would hope we crossed the friend boundaries."

"ah, and you called me straight forward taehyung."

"i guess im just a little shy at first jungkook."

jungkook looked down at taehyungs hand and was quick to envelop it with his own. taehyung looked down at the intertwined hands and smiled. they both knew that this didn't automatically make them boyfriends. because who in the hell would label each other as boyfriends in a days time? middle schoolers probably, but this was different.

the bus stopped and weirdly enough they both stood up.

"this is my stop," taehyung said.

"mine too."

they both exited the bus and looked at each other.

"where you headed?"

"to my apartment. it's not that far from here."
jungkook answered.

"well i'm heading to my apartment as well. it's that way."
taehyung said, gesturing in the direction of his apartment that had a lovely bed and pillows and a shower and clothes and stuffed anima-

"well, this is where we part ways. don't hesitate to call me. i expect a goodnight text later."

"and i'll make sure you receive one. just let me know when you want to go out sometime."

"oh most definitely."

"until we meet again, kim taehyung."

"it was a pleasure, jeon jungkook."


thanks for voting and i hope you enjoyed😌💜


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