kitten part 3 🔞

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requested! (bc you guys are some kinky bitches)

third pov

3 months later

taehyung and jungkook had progressed further into their relationship. after they had visited jimin, they agreed on being "partners" despite taehyung not really getting the concept of what it actually meant.

jungkook didn't want to rush anything and wanted taehyung to process what was happening to and around him. there've been some bad days where taehyung would shut down completely, but jungkook was always there for him. the hybrid would wake up from his nightmare with a blood curtailing, but the ravenette would always be there to comfort and cuddle him right after.

taehyung felt safe even on his worst days. no matter where he was or how he felt, as long as he had jungkook, he was ok. he found his home in the college student.

jungkook had then been focusing on his college classes so he could major in business. at first, he had no idea what he was going to do when he graduated from college, but the more he thought of it the more he felt certain.

he had grown such hatred and disgust for what's happening against hybrids around the world that he decided to start a business that rescues them. he's certain that it was going to be difficult to start, but he believed that many people had the same mindset as him and yoongi. he trusted himself to get through it and was set on starting the business.

jungkook was a busy bee and taehyung couldn't help but want his attention. the feline became needy ever since jungkook began to get serious about his schoolwork once again. taehyung couldn't describe it, but he needed and wanted jungkooks attention.

jungkook noticed the behavior but didn't really think anything of it. what really set him off was when he was sitting on the couch in his apartments small living room and he heard a yell of his name sound from the bedroom.

jungkook became panicked and immediately dropped everything in his possession, running to the room they both shared. he really hoped that the other was just having another nightmare. jungkook slammed the door open to see taehyung in the bed, sheets thrown on the floor as taehyung was sitting up.

but taehyung was acting weird. his hair was a huge mess and he looked like he was wasted. his skin was an unhealthy shade of pink and his breathing was very loud, almost as if he was struggling to inhale. his oversized white t-shirt fell off his shoulder, exposing his collarbones. the shirt was also soaking in sweat that the feline was rapidly producing.

jungkook walked further into the room to get a closer look at taehyung. he feared the feline had gotten sick and he would have to take him to the doctors since it looked severe. once he had gotten closer, he noticed that the other was drenched in sweat and his pupils were blown wide. (a/n: taehyung rlly said ⚫️👄⚫️ lmao) he looked down towards the bedsheets to see that it was drenched in liquids, but what really caught his eyes attention was the raging boner that the other had.

the ravenettes eyes blew wide open on surprise but didn't say anything to spare taehyung from humiliation. all of his symptoms were pointing towards him having a fever and jungkook was helpless on what to do. he reached his head up to the others forehead to see if his suspicions were correct only to quickly jolt away his hand from the burning skin. jungkook grew worried as he heard that taehyung began to whimper in pain.

"h-hurts," the feline whined, rubbing at his lower area. jungkook grew even more confused. he had a feeling that this wasn't a normal fever, so he dialed yoongis phone number in a quick panic.

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