sisters best friend☁️

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third pov

taehyung was in his room lounging on his bed, as bored as ever. his LED lights were on the color purple as one of his favorite k-dramas was playing on his TV. nothing interesting was really happening, so he was bored out of his mind. he went on his phone but every social media app seemed to be so dry. he groaned as he rolled over on his stomach, face flat on the bed. after laying in that position for what seemed to be forever, when in reality it was only three minutes, he heard his front door open. he was home alone and he knew his parents were out on a dinner date, so it must've been his sister.

finally, he didn't have to be bored alone. he was about to leave the room when he remembered that lisa said she was having a friend over. it was probably jennie since lisa was growing a small crush on her. taehyung couldn't help but giggle at the thought.


lisa yelled at the top of her lungs. taehyung knee jennie quite well to the point where he felt comfortable around the other. comfortable enough to wear only an over-sized shirt and boxers. he exited his room and was on his way to hopping down the stairs that led straight to the living room his sister was at.

"stop yelling! anyway, jennie ho-" taehyung stopped midway through his sentence when he looked up. sitting on the couch next to lisa was a boy. not forget that, it was a whole man. his raven hair locks were grown out but was nicely styled. his clothing consisted of dark colors and chunky shoes. his eyes were a doe shaped but still held a dominant aura. taehyungs legs almost gave out if he was being completely honest.

taehyung gasped and turned a crimson color. he looked down at what he was barely covered in and attempted to pull down his shirt more to cover his legs.

"lisa, when you said you were bringing a friend over i thought you were talking about jennie." taehyung whined, embarrassed that he is literally wearing only underwear and a shirt as his first impression to a really attractive male.

"i'm not complaining." the raven-haired male said before giving taehyung a wink. this only caused lisa to smack him on the back of his head.

"that's my baby brother you dimwit," she said and she rolled her eyes. she looked at what taehyung was wearing and busted out laughing. "way to make a first impression on jungkook, taetae."

"how was i supposed to know that you made a new friend and that you would be bringing him over today. you should've told me who it was!" taehyung felt like crying out of embarrassment as he pouted and whined to his older sister.

"taehyung, stop whining and go put on some pants before kook pops a boner," she said, pointing to jungkook who was checking out tae from head to toe. taehyung squeaked as he ran up the stairs, only for jungkook to see how his ass bounced as he did so.

"can you please stop checking out my little brother unless you plan on putting a ring on his finger on the future," she said. lisa has always been protective of her little brother. ever since taehyung had got his heartbroken by a boy in middle school, taehyung fell into a deep depression. he shut himself in his room and when he was around people, it's like he wasn't even there.

"i just met the kid lisa. besides, he's so fucking adorable."

"when you say shit like that, it's what makes me remember that you're a damn virgin." lisa teased as she faked gagged. jungkook rolled his eyes and chuckled along.

"im sorry i don't go around fucking every girl that fawns for me. if anything, they should give up since i'm probably the gayest person at that damn school." jungkook smiles. meanwhile, lisa was attempting to control herself from fake gagging at her friends remarks.

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