power ☁️

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third pov

the two boyfriends were sitting in a booth across from each other. taehyung had been begging jungkook to visit the small cafe, but the prices were expensive, so taehyung eventually gave up and stopped asking altogether. thought, unknown to taehyung, jungkook had been saving up some money he made from his part-time job in order to treat taehyung after their classes ended.

the look of surprise and joy on taehyungs face was more than enough of an excuse to go to the overpriced cafe. taehyung had ordered his favorite dessert, ice cream with churros, while jungkook stuck to a glass of banana milk. they had been chatting about everything and anything that came across their minds. that's how well they got along.

they've never really had a huge argument during the whole span of their relationship since they were both childhood best friends before they got together. their children selves couldn't understand the feelings they were feeling for each other until they both hit freshmen year of high school. ever since then, they've been madly in love with each other. nothing in life could be better.

that is until their ranks came into play.

in the supernatural world, kim taehyung was a dormant. he didn't possess supernatural abilities within himself. he hadn't expected to have powers since his mother was dormant as well, but he was hoping his father that never grew to know would've had an ability. taehyung was the man of his house, but not having powers can already having going downhill.

abilities are meant to protect and rank a being. if you were dormant, then you were of a lower status. if you were born with abilities related to air or water, you were mid-status. if you were born with abilities related to electricity and fire, you were of high status. if one were to be born with more than one ability, then you were of royal status. the rank of your status would determine everyday things such as what type of job you have or how others would interact with you.

even if one is to be a dormant, that doesn't mean they are looked down upon nor were they bashed on. the supernatural world is not a bad place, they don't run a biased world. it was a crime to fight against a lower rank if not consented. taehyung was happy that was a law, but the idea of ranks would always register unfair to him. nobody could choose how they were going to be born, so why put them in lower statuses for being who they were?

jungkook agreed with his boyfriend when it came to the topic of ranks. it was unfair and the ranking system should've never been invented. but jungkook believed that he needed to have powers. he never showed any signs of having powers, so everyone assumed he was a dormant. he hated that idea. he needed to have abilities so he could get a better job to support him and taehyung when they decide to move in together. he needed to be able to protect his dormant boyfriend.

he didn't get how his powers haven't come through yet since both of his parents had abilities. his fathers powers were water-related while his mother's powers were electricity-related. they were both of well ranks, so he couldn't grasp how he was believed to be dormant. he couldn't be.

jungkooks head began to hurt from thinking too much about this topic, so he rested his head on his arms.

"kookie, are you ok? if you're sick, we can stop by the convenience store to get you medicine," taehyung stated, worriedly.

jungkook was about to say something, but then his ears had begun to ring. he winced at the pain and put his hands over his ears. he looked up at taehyung with pleading eyes. he didn't know what to do. he was hurting and he was scared. once taehyung got a glimpse of jungkooks eyes he gasped.

jungkooks eyes were an angry red with deep golden flecks swimming in the bloody color. jungkook felt like he was about to throw up as he started breathing heavily.

"kookie. kookie, look at me," taehyung said, attempting to get jungkooks attention. jungkook looked up at his sweet and loving boyfriend, wishing for the pain to just go away. "breathe in and out, koo. drink of some of your banana milk too. ok, love?" taehyung said, hoping that the pain would just go away. he hated seeing jungkook in pain. it was hell.

after a couple of minutes, the pain seemed to die down a bit, but instead converted into a hot heat setting at the bottom of jungkooks stomach. "w-what happened?" jungkook asked, eyes brimming with tears as he clutched his stomach.

taehyung got up from his side of the booth and walked over to sit next to jungkook. the ravenette laid his head on his boyfriends shoulder as he sniffed in his lovely scent, vanilla and strawberries. taehyung began to run his fingers through his boyfriends hair to calm him down, even though his mere presence already calmed the other.

"kookie," taehyung started, not sure how jungkook would react.
jungkook looked up at the other with a face that urged him to continue. "the pain you just experienced was because of your powers, love. you have abilities now." taehyung said with a small smile. jungkook looked at his boyfriend, taking in what he just said with a straight face.

"i-i've got powers?" jungkook asked as if he was making sure he heard him correctly. when taehyung nodded his head in confirmation, jungkook broke out into a bunny toothed smile as he hugged his boyfriend close.

"now i can get a better job and i can take care of you for the rest of our lives! when we get older, we can adopt a child and name him yeonjun, just like you wanted!" jungkook said as he looked at his boyfriend in a celebratory manner. what he didn't expect was taehyung to be crying.

"what's wrong? do you not like that i have powers?" jungkook felt his heart start to break when he assumed that's what was wrong. taehyung shook his head frantically, hating that jungkook would ever think that the other would be mad for being born that way.

" i could never be mad at you for something like that. i'm just," taehyung began to choke out sobs again, "i'm s-so happy t-that this is happening." he finished as he hugged jungkook closer, sobbing into his shoulder. jungkook smiled down at his boyfriend and he began to comfort him.

"we should tell our parents! i'll call my mom to go to your parents house. i can't wait to tell her!" taehyung said, full of excitement despite the dry tear stains on his cheeks and his red stuffed nose.

"tae, what color were my eyes. i would try out my powers and see what they are, but i'm kinda scared to break anything expensive in here," jungkook said, looking around the cafe.

taehyung put his phone away from his ear as he answered jungkooks question, "about that, you kinda don't have one power. you have two, electricity and fire." taehyung said with a big boxy smile as he began to talk to his mother again.

jungkooks eyes widened as he let it sink in. he was of royal rank, and he had the highest-ranked powers. his heart seemed to began to quickly beat in his chest as he looked up at taehyung. he was cutely bouncing in his seat as he talked to his mother. once taehyung jung up the phone, he turned to jungkook with a big smile.

"she said she's already on her way. she was getting on a bus when we were talking." taehyung giggled. jungkook seemed to fall deeper in love with the other. he grabbed the other's hands into his as he looked deeply looked into the others eyes.

"i'll protect you, kim taehyung. 'till the day i die, i swear."

taehyungs heart melted once jungkook uttered his sentence. this boy was his soulmate, no one could ever tell him different.

" i love you, jungkook. with or without powers."

"i love you, kim taehyung. forever and always."


i was gonna kill the mom off again lmao

last update was in july, so i finished this one as fast as i could. i hope it wasn't rushed.

i hope you enjoyed ❤️


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