pretty ⚠️

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hi i'm back. i'm currently out of town but i think you all waited enough for another chapter lol. at this point, i feel like i rlly have no excuse for uploading late. anyway, enjoy :D

short chapter bc im on the road B)

third pov

trigger warning: implied suicide

jungkook always thought kim taehyung was pretty.

the way his curly light brown hair would fall into his sickeningly sweet chocolate brown eyes when he stared out of the classroom window for no apparent reason always captured the ravenette attention.

the slope of his perfectly proportioned nose that had a small mole at the bottom of it matched his soft pink lips that would sometimes display the small smile the other would let slip up in class.

how big taehyungs eyes got when he got called on by a teacher or how he slightly pouted when something he didn't quite like or enjoy happened. or when he bit his bottom lip when something wasn't going the way he wanted to or when he felt as if he couldn't do something.

how he would scrunch his nose or raise his eyebrows when he felt as if he accomplished something or got a question right. jungkook wouldn't lie when he would say he let a small smile spread on his face when he saw the other be slightly proud in himself.

but jungkook felt like he was the only one who saw it. the only one who saw something else pooling inside of those honey eyes. when taehyung stared out of the window, mindlessly tapping his well-manicured nails on the wood of his desk as his eyes aimlessly looked out of the second-story window.

it wasn't because jungkook had a crush on him and stared at him because he looked like an angel. even though his friends would sometimes make fun of him for it. no, it was something anyone would catch if they only bothered to look.

the way the brunette would let his face momentarily relax into true emotions when he thought no one was looking at him. and as if the invisible mask was slipping off his face, the look of sadness and despair displayed in his sweet chocolate brown eyes and soft pink lips.

as if stuck in an inescapable daze, he would just stare. head resting on his palm with his head slightly tilted away from the window. every day, as if his body wouldn't let him escape the beyond boring routine. to anyone, it would seem normal. he was any other student who sat by the window and stared out the glass as class drew on and on.

but jungkook could practically feel the pain in his gaze. the sadness he refused to let out into words. yet he never said anything. never talked to the pretty boy who sat by the window, eyes stuck on the outside world. just thinking.

not until one day.

taehyung was sitting, staring outside at the falling leaves of autumn, their colors transitioning and everything falling. dying, yet so beautiful. falling. falling. and then it fell. the single teardrop that fell from the sweet chocolate brown eyes. tears welling up in his eyes, and jungkook saw it all. how could he not? how could others not notice?

that was the first time jungkook ever talked to kim taehyung.

"are you ok? why are you crying?" jungkook rushingly whispered, yearning to do anything to make his crush stop crying. to stop being in such sadness. and his big eyes looking into jungkooks dark ones.

the brunette turned, looking up at the ravenette, and wiped his tears. quickly looking around at the other students rushing to leave the room to the lunchroom. jungkook could tell he didn't like attention.

"no reason, but thank you. thank you for asking," taehyung whispered back, a small smile on his face before he got up and walked out of the classroom. but jungkook noticed the slight waver in his voice. he noticed the way he still wiped at his watering eyes and he hid his face while walking out of the room.

jungkook hated his response. wish he would tell him why he was crying, but taehyung didn't owe him an explanation. sure he was a classmate, but he was also a stranger. someone he never talked to.

but jungkook wished he could've done more. something to make him feel better. something that would make him stop crying. something that would make those soft pink lips slip that small genuine smile.

then maybe, just maybe taehyung would've been there the next day. sitting at the desk, and staring out of the window. but he wasn't. the wooden desk was empty and the classroom was void of his well-manicured nails hitting the wooden desk in a rhythmic pattern.

maybe if jungkook did something more, the teacher at the front of the classroom wouldn't have the painfully sad expression as she looked at the wooden desk of kim taehyung. the class, with shocked and confused expressions on their faces. murmuring and whispering. tears being shed.

but jungkook didn't say anything. he just stared. he stared at the desk that was once occupied by the pretty boy named kim taehyung with curly brown hair, sweet chocolate brown eyes, a sloped proportional nose with a small mole, and soft pink lips.

he looked out of the window, looked at the falling leaves of autumn. dying, yet so beautiful. falling. falling. tears falling. sobs wracking his ribs and he felt like he couldn't breathe. his head pounded and his eyes turned blurry. he wanted to scream. he was overwhelmed. he hated it. he hated it.

now he understood. why he had the sad eyes and frown kept hidden away by the broken facade. now he understood. why he kept quiet about his thoughts and wouldn't speak his true feelings.

but when the teacher later handed him a letter. rushed and sloppy handwriting that was so foreign to him, but he knew. the quickly scribbled name at the bottom of the note was all he needed to confirm his suspicions.

"dear jeon jungkook,

    i want to start this off by saying thank you. i wish i was brave enough to tell you this in person, but i'm afraid that if you do that i might have a reason to stay. and right now staying seems more painful death. i always wanted to tell you, but i always admired you. i loved your big bunny smile and the way you loudly laughed at your friends jokes. i loved your big doe eyes and the way they sparkled when you were happy.
    or the way they were big in concern when you finally approached me, asking me if i was ok. asking me why i was crying. and the truth was that i was thinking about you. i was thinking about how i was going to leave you behind when i finally leave this cruel world. but you'll be fine. we never talked anyway. so jeon jungkook, thank you. thank you for being the only person who cared for me.
    maybe, in another world or lifetime, you liked me back and i didn't have to feel the need to leave. in another lifetime, jeon jungkook. goodbye.

              sincerely, kim taehyung"


i don't think that was that sad but hey, there's a chapter !! :D  some of you might have given up on this os book but i like writing so why not continue. anyway, i hope u enjoyed this chapter and stay for later updates. my school is weird so i only have a month for summer until i go back to school, but i guess it's better than nothing :)

until next time lovelies !!


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