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Erikas POV

Everything was pure darkness. My eyelids felt heavy and every fiber in my body hurt. I heard somebody talking, or more like whispering, on the back of my head repeatedly saying things like: 'Only you can save them', 'Help them', 'You can change things'. Or those were something I understood. Couple moments more in the pure pain and darkness everything eased up and I felt so much better. Something felt wrong though.

I slowly tried to open my eyes, but it was still hard. After few tries I was practically blinded even from the little light hitting my eyes. I blinked couple of times and all the memories of that night flooded my mind. I sprang up from where ever I was laying down. This did not look like hospital room. I slowly looked down and saw that my hands were definietly bigger than before. I reached them towards my face and felt slowly ran them across my face. Yep, something was indeed wrong. My hands started shaking slightly and I slowly got up from the old looking bed. I looked down and saw that I was wearing some sort of clothing that was definitely not from the 2020. On top of that looked like it belonged to a male. But how?

I took slow steps towards a door and reached to open it with my shaky hands. I heard something going on outside. I took a deep breath in and opened the door. I stepped out of the room and started to walk towards the sound. The voices sounded like kids. I appeared to the place that looked like a kitchen of sorts. There was a table and around it were six young children and one older looking woman. One of them looked up and said: "Morning Father." Wait father?

All of them turned to look at me. My eyes widened and my breath caught in my throat. They looked at me with questionably and a fleck of fear flashed in their eyes.

There sitting and looking at me were all the Mikaelsons, the original vampires in the future as children. That meant I was some how Mikael. Their father they feared and ran away from. As I studied them and their looks, we were far in the past.

I took in a shaky breath and my hands started to shook slightly more. I was so deep in my thoughts I didn't register the first time younger Esther were calling my name. "Mikael!" I heard Esther say now next to me with slightly worried gaze locked to my face. All of the children were looking at me too. I shook my head quickly and turned around looking for a exit as my head was going crazy.

Behind me I heard a small voice ask Esther: "What is wrong with Father?" "Did we do something?" And then a louder "Father." I knew at that point that the voice belonged to Finn, the oldest brother. I also heard somebody calling my name but I hurried away from the house. There were footsteps following me as I tried to get my things together.

I found my way out and stumbeled slightly while running towards the woods. In my panicked stage while thinking about my children and everything that was happening to me, I managed to fell on my knees to the ground. I lifted my shaky hands to my hair and gripped it tightly as my mind swirled with thoughts. Somebody kneeled next to me and I saw with the side of my eye that it was Esther.

She looked worried about her husband. He never acted this way before. I looked back and saw all the kids looking at me. Suddenly smaller hands took my hands from my hair and gripped them thightly. "Mikael...?" A worried quiet voice asked me. I shut my eyes and took a deep breath and opened my eyes. I then looked at Esther.

I tried to smile a small smile and nodded. "I am okay. Had a very bad dream." I made up a lie. Of course not could I tell them what happened. As a witch Esther might had belived me if I told her, but I couldn't risk it before and if I ever trusted her. And well, I would had sounded completly crazy to them.

Esther smiled a small smile and stood up from the ground. "We were starting to eat, we were waiting for you." I followed her standing up from the ground. I looked at the children and nodded. "Well then. We shall go to eat." I said with a weird voice that creeped me out a bit. All of the children hurried back inside the house, which made me want to chuckle. I tilted my head and looked back at Esther who were already walking back. I followed after them with slow steps. I tried to calm my nerves and make some sort of sense of this situation.

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