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TW: Violence etc.

Mikael's POV

I woke up in the morning way before Ayana did. Everything from the previous night crashed into my mind. I gently got up from the bed and tucked Ayana in better. She cuddeled against the blanket and sighed.

I took my shirt and pulled it on as I walked to the kitchen. I ran my hand over my face with a sigh. I knew what I felt towards her, but I guess I was scared. It has been a very long time since I have had been in a situation like this. I made some breakfast ready for the children and left the house as anxiety creeped up my throat.

I walked to the lake once again. It sort of became my safe place when ever I felt bad or stressed. "Shiet." I mumbled and looked to the sky. Last nights events played fresh on my mind. I take a branch from the ground and throw it behind me as hard as I could, releasing all the anger and other pent up feelings.

"Ow!" I heard someone yell and I turned around to see Tatia on the ground holding her nose. I put my hand on my mouth and quickly turned around. I tried so hard not to laugh and sat down, pretending that I didn't see her.

I chuckled under my hand and took a deep breath in. "Okay. Okay." I whispered and bit my lip. I cleared my throat and turned around again. I started to walk back pretending to not notice her. I almost got away.

"Mikael!" I heard her yell and continued to walk like I never heard her. "Mikael!" Now she was closer and soon she ran right next to me. "I tried to call you, you silly." She giggled.

I thought I puked a little. She was trying so hard and I do not even know why. I felt disgusted and took a small step back from her.

"Yes, I am in a hurry and did not hear you." I made up a lie. I wasn't in a hurry, I just didn't want to talk with her.

She giggled again and started to twirl a hair around her finger. I had to look away or else I might have puked over her. I put my hand to my mouth and I thought she took it the wrong way.

"Mikael." She purred and I gagged, I couldn't help it. "Stop." I ordered and took steps back from her. I shook my head and looked at her in disgust. She looked offended, good, but quickly brushed it off like I just didn't gag because of her.

"I do not know what game you are playing. Stop it, this is your last warning. I do not wish to have anything to do with you Tatia. Leave my family and I in peace." I said to her and quickly turned around. I shuddered at the mere thought of the doppelgänger.

Tatia looked ready to explode so I quickly took my leave. I speed-walked back to our house and went inside. The sight inside made my lips instantly twitch up and soon Tatia was long forgotten.

Ayana and the children were eating and laughing. I leaned into the doorframe and watched as Kol and Niklaus playfully bickered, Henrik and Rebekah were looking at them with big smiles. Elijah was looking at his food with a thoughtful expression and Finn was talking with Ayana.

I took another mental picture of the scene and smiled. This is what family was. The thought made me frown. I was still very paranoind when it came to protecting my family.

"Are you going to join us or stare at us the whole breakfast?" Ayana asked with small grin. I shook my head with a smile and sat down at the end if the table.

"How did you sleep?" I asked everyone on the table. I got six 'good' answers, but Elijah continued to look at the table. Everyone turned to look at him and I frowned.

I slowly reached out my hand and gently put it on his shoulder. Elijah's head snapped up and he looked at me with wide eyes. Just now I noticed his pale face and the glint in his eyes. He looked between his siblings and turned back to look at me.

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