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I got woken up by a small finger poking at my cheek. I kept my eyes closed as I felt more tired than I have ever been.

I heard a hushed: "Henrik! Let father sleep." Before he was removed from "bothering" me.

"I am already awake." I mumbled and opened one of my eyes. The pinching pain hit my shoulder again and now my cheek felt like it was on fire too.

I looked around me and saw Finn holding Henrik with a small frown. "I am sorry father for waking you up." Finn said quietly.

I waved him off and sat up straight and surpressed a groan. My shoulder was killing me.

"What happened to your cheek?" Henrik asked with a small tilt of his head.

I gently traced my cheek with my fingers and it felt like it was on fire. That bitch slaps hard.

"Just a little accident. Do not worry about it." I told Henrik and stood up. I didn't want to have him worry about adult's problems.

Finn looked at me with knowing eyes. He was old enough to understand things and know what happened.

"Is Esther sleeping?" I asked the boys and looked over at the kitchen. Finn was trying to do breakfast to Henrik but wasn't really succecful.

"I think so yes." Finn commented and looked at the kitchen. "Nobody else is awake yet either."

"Go back to sleep Finn. I will make sure Henrik get's food." I smiled softly and Finn put Henrik down.

He didn't even say anything back as he quickly hugged me and with a smile went back to sleep.

I looked at Henrik who was smiling widely up at me. I chuckled and ruffeled his hair.

Henrik sat down at the table and I started to do enough food for the rest of the children too. I didn't really have much faith in Esther to fulfill her job as a mother.

He kept looking at me with a slighlty tilted head and his thinking face on. I turned my head to glance at him over my shoulder. "What has got you thinking so hard little one?"

I heard Henrik sigh and he leaned to his hand. "Something is wrong with you and mother. She is acting... not like mother and she is mean to you." He stated with a small voice.

I sighed and put down the stuff from my hands. I leaned to the counter and closed my eyes. This is excatly what I wanted to avoid. I wanted them to have a chance of a easy childhood.

"We just had a little misunderstanding. It is nothing serious." I told Henrik and looked at the stuff in front of me.

I heard a small sniffle and I turned to face Henrik. "Hey. What is wrong?"

"I do not want you to leave us. Please do not leave." Henrik mumbeled quietly.

"Oh Henrik." I put a small smile to my face and walked over to him. I crouched down next to him and he turned towards me.

"Whatever happens, I will never leave you. I will always be there for you Henrik. I will always protect and love you all. Even from death I will always look after you." I said to him softly.

Henrik jumped at me and hugged me tightly. I winced at the pain on my shoulder and held him. He is such a young boy with a innocent mind.

"Now eat. I will be right back." I stood up and gave Henrik his food. He started to eat and hummed a old song as he ate.

I smiled and walked over to our shared bedroom. I opened the door to see Esther already gone. I frowned and looked around. "What the..." I murmured quietly and sighed.

Redemption - Reborn as MikaelWhere stories live. Discover now