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A/N: So I looked this up and there is actually no proof that vikings celebrated their birthdays like nowdays. I'm in the grey area with this but let's pretend that in this fanfic they have a some sort of a thing they do so this makes more sense.

Mikael's POV

I leaned my hand over my head to the cave entrance and leaned into it. I looked around the forest and saw the sun finally rising. I turned around and walked back to everyone else.

I put some of our stuff ready as I waited for everyone to finally wake up. I sat down and closed my eyes. I felt the small twirl of wind fly all around us. It felt peaceful, inviting.

I heard Rebekah cough slightly so I opened my eyes. I took the medicine Ayana gave me from my pocket and walked to where Rebekah was sleeping.

I gently lifted her from her upper back and tipped the medicine into her mouth. She was looking a lot better.

I carefully set her back down and walked back to my spot when I saw Ayana wake up from her sleep.

"Good morning." I said to her with a small bow of my head.

"Morning Mikael. You did not sleep at all?" She asks after a while. I shook my head and pulled my knees up closer to my body.

"I was not tired. And I wanted to keep a eye out." I shrugged and played with my fingers. Ayana shook her head but I could see a small smile on her face.

I heard Ayana get up and dig through her stuff. "Happy birthday Mikael." Ayana smiled at me and held a folded fabric in her hands. I looked up at her shocked and took the fabric gently.

I opened it and saw two the most beautiful viking jewelry inside of it. One was a ring and the other one was a necklace.

On the ring was a compass. Ayana gestured  to it with a smile. "Wear this one always. It will help you find home always. No matter where you are." She told me softly so nobody would wake up.

The necklace was shaped like a axe. On the handle was the first letters of my children's  names in viking letters. There was even Freya's which brought tears to my eyes. I felt like I failed her because after all this time there is still nothing I could do against Dahlia. Ayana really knows everything.

On the blade was a raven carved into it
Ayana traced the blade with her finger and talked softly. "This one will help you out there in the wild. It will protect you and aid you in a battle. It feels your energy." Ayana told me as she took it to her hands. She put it on me and I could feel the warmth radiating all over my chest.

Ayana left her hand on my chest as she looked at her work. She did this all for me. I felt so touched and I felt a smile grow on my face. I looked at her face. "Thank you Ayana. All this, your support and this, means more than I could ever ask you for." I told her quietly.

Ayana smiled and still kept her hand on my chest. I heard someone suffle around so I turned my head to look at the children. Ayana did the same and smiled softly as she patted my chest. I took her hand from my chest, kissed it softly and let go.

Ayana walked over to her own stuff and started to put everything together. I put my necklace under my shirt and leaned to the wall. I couldn't help the smile that decided to stay on my face.

After a while I hear a soft gasp. "Father's special day!" A soft giggle left their lips. I smiled even wider and I soon saw three heads snap up and look around. They spotted me leaning against the wall and laughing the run towards me. I crouched down enough for them to slam into me.

"Happy birthday father!" All three of them said at the same time. I chuckled and just  enjoyed the hug when I still could have them as a smol beans.

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