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Death was not a new thing for Erika. She died, but got a chance to make things better in a different world.

But this was not like the last time for her. She died as Mikael, trapped on the other side desprately watching as his family moved on with life.

He was happy, so happy watching them get to experience things and grow together as a family. Of course there were fights, every family has them, but no-one never got daggered or harmed.

He always looked after them, protected as well as he could, all the while having a fight of sorts with Esther. He never saw her, but he felt her everywhere, trying to manipulate the spirits into her side and against him. But the spirits knew better, except few poor souls.

Mikael had came to an agreement with the spirits on the other side. He sacrificed himself for his love and family, in the spirits eyes what he did was pure. The spirits protected him, while Mikael protected them. You could say he made a name of himself, guiding and helping the lost spirits and protecting them from the evil witch.

But death never has a one sided story.

It was hard for the Mikaelson family too. Mikael's passing affected everyone, some diffrently than others.

Finn took the role as the oldest sibling. Along with Ayana he made sure his younger siblings were safe and healthy and he always kept his last promise to Mikael. He mourned the loss of his parents a lot. Even though Mikael's death hit them hard, he still mourned their supposed mother too. It was nothing like his father, but it still affected him. Finn was the only one who remembered the pure good memories.

Elijah was conflicted. He mourned the loss of his father, but he felt like he had to be strong. He had to be strong for his family. Elijah was always the most stable and calm person in the family. It never changed. He kept his grief hidden, only rarely facing his loss knowing he was alone.

Niklaus was a mess for the first years after everything happened. He blamed himself for the loss of his father. Ayana made sure he always knew it wasn't his fault, but no matter what, there always was a small voice nagging on the back of his head, reminding how their father was dead. Nobody blamed Niklaus and they made sure he felt loved, all the while helping him in his guest trying to unlock his wolf.

Kol was no better than Niklaus. He lost his parents and his magic. He didn't get a chance like Niklaus did, he lost it permanently. Do not get him wrong, of course Kol loved his brother Niklaus and always supported him along his pranks, but something left a bitter feeling in his head. He missed showing his father what he can do and hearing him praise him and tell him how proud he was to be his father.
Kol took a role of cheering up his family and giving them headaches.

Rebekah was the worst of them all. Everybody knew she was a daddy's girl and loved his father more than anything. After his death she was plagued with nightmares and terror. Slowly with Ayana and Niklaus' help she got better. She never truly accepted that Mikael was dead and prayed for something to give her father back. Her siblings babied her and grew overprotective, even little Henrik as Mikael called him, and made sure she was always safe. But she was Rebekah Mikaelson. She went and faced the world as a Queen.

Henrik made sure everyone knew how much they were loved. He was the ray of sunshine everyone needed when things got too gloomy around the time everything happened. Yes, he did miss his father a lot and he mourned him, but somewhere he knew his father wanted him to be happy. He had this feeling, he knew their father was looking after them.

The children of the family held their last name proudly and adopted Ayana as their mother as time went on.

And then there was Ayana. Death was not a new thing to her either, but nothing could have helped her with the grief that hit her when she lost him. Ayana did everything she could to try and get him back. Nothing worked. Her powers grew more and more, but everything she tried to do that inclued him.
Ayana took her first love's children under her wing, helped them along the way and made sure to remind them how much Mikael loved them. She made sure to keep his memory alive by taking the Mikaelson name. She promised to take care of them, that's why she took herbs to keep herself young for a long time. After all the herbs wouldn't work anymore, she would be turned into a vampire.

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