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A/N: Henrik's faceclaim is either Timothée Chalamet or Dylan O'Brian, choose which ever you like better.



Mikael slowly walked in the small town of Mystic Falls after he got out of that damned cave. It was ridicilous that the local judgy witch thought that she could gain an ally out of him.

Mikael stopped under a large tree after a while of walking as he saw the familiar face of the Petrova doppelgänger, Elena Gilbert. And the every so loyal Salvatore brothers. He observed her and how she acted for a while. He couldn't understand how blind the people around her were.

A small smirk rose to his lips as the thought about all the ways he could make them suffer. After all, the other side had a very special place waiting for them. And Mikael had absouletly nothing to do with it.

With a small shake of his head Mikael continued to walk again, but this time with a purpose. His path was easily going towards the place he needed to go the most. Their home.

Even from the other side, he loathed every single corner of what the town had begun. It was full of selfish adults and very silly excuses of a parents. The whole place was a giant joke to him.

Mikael shook his head and started to walk faster, he needed to get back to his family. With a small jog in the end he reached the newly build mansion where he would meet his family again. The thought of being able to hug his children, to kiss his beloved was making his heart beat out of his chest and making him walk even faster.

He could hear yelling all the way from outside. With a fond shake of his head Mikael opened the door. Who in their right mind would leave the door open like that. He seriously needed to have a little chat with his children, about locked doors and dangers.

Mikael almost soundlessly followed the growing yelling. It lead him outside pair of closed doors. Now he had a choice, be dramatic or be dramatic. He decided to be dramatic, he is a Mikaelson after all.

He could hear Niklaus yelling at Kol and Mikael decided to show himself at that moment before it got too ugly. "Now Niklaus, that is no way to speak to your brother." He said as he opened the doors harder than intended, leading to a loud bang coming from the doors.

It was dead silence. Quite literally.

Mikael stood there with an amused smile as they all looked at him like they had seen a ghost. "I know I know, changes, but can't your dear old father get a hug these days? I should have stayed on the other side." Mikael grinned and opened his arms widely. He spoke about his physical changes that occured in the other side.

Not even a second later Rebekah speeded towards him and threw herself at his arms. As soon as Mikael's arms was around her, confirming that he wasn't yet another nightmare, Rebekah started to sob and clutched his shirt tightly.

"Shh. It's alright. I'm here now Bekah." Mikael whispered as he held Rebekah closely against his body letting her cry. He stroked her back gently.

Rebekah very slowly pulled away and Mikael gently wiped her tears away with his thumbs as he held her face. Mikael gave her a silly smile and kissed her on the forehead. Rebekah gave a watery laugh and moved out of the way to give her siblings room to greet their father.

Kol took big steps towards his father and quickly wrapped his arms around him. "Am I dreaming again?" He whispered quietly and felt his father hugging him closely. "No you are not. I'm here." Mikael whispered to his second youngest son and let him gather himself together.

Kol chuckled slightly out of shock and squeezed once before letting go. Everybody could see the tears in his eyes, but nobody said anything. It wasn't needed.

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