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Mikael's POV

"No you wake him up." A quiet hiss was heard next to me and woke me up from my light sleep. I stayed quiet and listened what was going on.

Ayana was cuddled next to me, her face against my chest and my arms around her body I could feel her smile. I kept my eyes closed and tightend my hold on Ayana for a moment as I felt laughter bubble inside me.

"No. You forced me up from my bed, forced me to listen you babble about the ritual and forced me to this death quest. You will face them, not me." I heard Kol hiss to Niklaus and I kept my laughter in. Even Ayana tightend her hold on me in an effort to not burst out laughing.

"You bloody cowards." I heard Rebekah walk to our room and to my side of the bed as Kol and Niklaus let out offended noices. "Father." She said in a soft voice and a smile broke on my face.

"Yes Rebekah?" I asked but kept my eyes closed. Ayana finally bursted out giggling and I could hear Rebekah chuckle under her breath.

She sat down on the edge of the bed and rested her chin on my upper arm. "Having brothers suck." She said with a slight whine in her voice.

"So do you sister." Kol said casually.

Ayana gasped and turned her head to laugh against the mattress. I just smiled and shook my head. "You should run." I said in a calm voice to Kol.

"Yeah." Kol trailed out the end and whoosed out of the room with Rebekah on his tail cursing under her breath.

I opened my eyes and saw Niklaus standing there with a smirk on his face, but how he stood told me everything. I chuckled and shook my head. "Nervous?"

"A little bit." Niklaus admitted, knowing he was in a safe place with his parents and he didn't have to lie.

"You have every right to be. This is going to be a huge change in your life." Ayana said softly and sat up on the bed. Niklaus smiled slightly.

"Right. This is weird. I'll leave you to it." He muttered and left the room. I chuckled and stretched my hands over my head. I sat up next to Ayana and gave her shoulder a kiss.

"I'm surprised he didn't pull you out of the bed to get ready." Ayana chuckled and I nodded with a small grin.

We heard a crash coming from downstairs which made Ayana shake her head too. "I'll go check it out." She said and leaned in to give me a kiss before standing up, putting a morning robe over her pyjamas and leaving the room.

I heard Ayana scold Kol and Rebekah about the broken window their fighting caused. Well, it was seventh window this week already, I don't blame her.

I grinned and walked to the bathroom. I looked at myself through the mirror and let out a breath as I saw the amount of transparent figures surround me.

"You are not going to ruin this one Esther." I whispered under my breath with a small smirk on my face.

The spirits would make sure of that.


I got ready, we ate breakfast and Ayana, Niklaus and I went to check the spot the ritual was going to be done.

As we stepped out of Niklaus' car, a rush feeling of power and home hit me. The place was more than ready and protected.

"You feel that too?" Ayana asked with a happy smile. I nodded and took her hand as we walked after Niklaus to the spot.

"We have the moonstone, we have the people, we have the doppelgänger. Which brings me to a question, who is going to bring Elena?" Niklaus asked and turned to us.

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