Chapter 12

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Magnus can feel his heart stop. Alec's arm around him instinctively pulling him closer, as if Alec wants to protect him from Sebastian. Which he most likely does. Magnus is glad that they've found the person who drugged him but he wants to know why and how. Sebastian must have people helping him, after all he gives Magnus this demonic vice, and he's just staring at a picture.

But who would help him? Raphael and Luke would have said something, at least to the Shadowhunters. Warlocks would've come to him, and Magnus is sure that no Shadowhunter will ever work with him, and will reports him to their superiors. That only leaves the Seelies. But why would any of them work with this guy? Then again it may not be the Seelies. There are still rogue Werewolves, Vampires, and Warlocks.

There are new Werewolves and Vampires being made everyday, everyday there are young children finding their Warlock marks and able to use magic. So who would do it? There are countless people if they're rogue and it also makes it harder if Seelies, who don't like to do anything unless they can use it as an advantage, are the ones helping out.

"Alec, there is something that your father and I need to tell you, Izzy, and Jace in private." Maryse looks down, a grave look on her face. "I will meet you three in the office." She turns on her heel and starts walking away. With only glancing at each other, Jace and Izzy silently get up and walk behind their mother.

As the three leave the room Magnus can feel Alec's hesitation. Not that Magnus is surprised, he saw the way that some of the other Shadowhunters looked at him when he and Alec were passing through the halls, after all he's about five months along right now and his scent is starting to affect people who aren't him or Alec. He even felt when Alec pulled him closer as if to stick his claim and tell them that Magnus is his.

"Will you be okay while I go with them?" Alec asks looking him in the eyes.

"Of course." Magnus can feel his phone vibrate in his pocket. "Besides that might be a client as we speak. I have business to do as do you."

"All right. Just let me know where you're at."

"Feeling possessive today, are you?" Magnus teases.

"I was thinking that if we both get done early we can go grab lunch."

"That sounds good."

As Alec walks away Magnus pulls out his phone and sees that he has a message in his voice mailbox. It's his client from the other day that could not make their meeting and had to reschedule. Calling back Magnus and his client agree to meet in Washington Square Park, a park that Magnus always likes visiting when he can.

The weather is nice out so Magnus decides to walk to the park instead of taking a portal. As he walks the hallways of the Institute to go outside Magnus notices how more Shadowhunters are staring at him more than earlier. They're just staring at me now, because Alexander isn't with me. Magnus thinks. Just as he's close to the front doors he runs into a Shadowhunter. Stumbling back a little Magnus looks up and sees that the person he bumped into is Raj.

Magnus has never really liked Raj al that much. Even before Magnus and Alexander mated and conceived, before Magnus got mad at Alexander for avoiding him for four months every damn time Magnus came to the Institute for wards or whatever reason they needed him for, Magnus would see how much the Shadowhunter would talk about Alexander or would look at the office door longingly as if he wanted Alexander to call him in for. . . . something. That something most likely being sex and Alexander biting him and conceiving a child with him.

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