Chapter 18

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Alec bursts through the doors of the Institute with Magnus in his arms. He doesn’t have to say anything to get attention as Magnus’ moans and groans of pain is doing enough. “Alec, is it time?” his mother calls from the Ops Center.

“Yes!” Alec tells her running faster to get Magnus to the infirmary so he doesn’t give birth in a hallway.

“You!” his mother points to an auburn-hair girl. “Go get Jace, Isabelle, Clary, and Simon.” The younger Shadowhunter nods as Alec’s mom comes to his side. “I’ll contact Robert in Idris.”

Alec isn’t paying much attention as he just wants to get his lover to the infirmary. Reaching it his mother helps him lay Magnus down on a bed. As his mother leaves to go call his father his brother and sister come running in with Clary and Simon right behind them. On her hip Izzy is holding a two-year-old with deeply tan skin and wavy black hair wearing a blue T-shirt with a train on it, cargo shorts, and black Velcro sneakers.

Looking at the child Alec still can’t believe that Magnus gave birth to him two years ago. After getting out of Edom Magnus’ water broke a month earlier they rushed to the Institute where Magnus went into a quick labor and gave birth in record time----two hours. That’s an impressive time for anyone who has given birth.

Their son had deeply tan skin, curtesy of Magnus, and wavy black-hair, curtesy of Alec. Shortly after the birth before Magnus went to sleep they decided on a name for their son and if to make him a Shadowhunter or Warlock. They named him Rafael Santiago Lightwood-Bane after Magnus’ friend and former clan Head Raphael Santiago. Because they were naming him after a former immortal Alec wanted his son to be immortal too; Magnus, stubborn, refused to name their son anything else or make him a Warlock. Not wanting to fight Alec conceded to his lover’s wishes.

A couple of days after the birth of their son Magnus and Alec gathered all of Raphael’s friends and family gathered in a cemetery, behind Hotel DuMort, to give Raphael a proper goodbye. Magnus summoned a coffin and placed his friend’s body----which he turned into a necklace, that transformed back----inside and placed a cross in Raphael’s hands. Alec held Magnus tight during the service as everyone said their goodbyes. During the whole thing Alec also kept an eye on his sister who was leaning on Simon for support since they’re the only two (besides Magnus) who have a deep connection to Raphael without being Vampires (yes, Simon is no longer a Vampire. How it happened Alec doesn’t know, he just knows that Simon has Ascended and is the Academy in Idris).

After everyone said their goodbyes Magnus used his magic to place the coffin in the ground while Lily, the new Clan Head, Luke, Maia, Simon, and Izzy each grabbed a shovel and started pilling the dirt on slowly all hoping that Raphael would’ve banged against the lid of the coffin and somehow still be alive. According to Magnus Raphael had been Catholic when he was a mundane and, despite having no soul and being considered unholy, still continued on with his faith after being turned.

Magnus would’ve stayed longer if they didn’t have a newborn to take care of. Alec’s parents volunteered to watch Rafe but a couple of hours after the birth of Rafael, Alec found out his father was spending more time in Idris because he’s having an affair. Alec had been upset and angry when he found out and while he’s father is still there for him and his siblings Alec was still hurt and didn’t want his father anywhere near his son and he didn’t want his Mom to watch her first grandchild while still trying to get over the fact that her marriage was over.

A couple of months after Raphael was laid to rest everyone important to Magnus and Alec came together and celebrated as they wedded in Warlock Blue and Shadowhunter Gold. The Clave’s hands had been tied because Alec and Magnus hold very powerful positions in the Shadow World and marked each other as their mate. With much reluctance the Clave allowed the union and forced themselves to recognize Lightwood-Bane as an actual name among Shadowhunters.

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