Chapter 6

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Magnus is on his couch, enjoying a virgin mimosa, when he receives a call. J. Blondie shows up on the caller I.D. With a brief hesitant thought Magnus pick it up.

"Magnus, we need your help." The blond exclaims right away.

"Give me one reason why I should help when it's almost nine-thirty at night?"

"It's Alec."

Alec? As in Alexander Lightwood, the father of his unborn child? Impossible. It has to be a different Alec as his is Head of the Institute and is most likely in his office right now, elbow deep in paper work, fighting sleep as he tries to get his work done.

"It's bad, Magnus. Izzy and Clary have their jackets on the wound, Simon and I are half naked to help make sure no more blood----"

"Tell me where you are." The Warlock grips his phone tightly.

Jace gives him their location in SoHo. Magnus opens a portal and steps through it, what he sees isn't what he's expecting. Alec is on the ground with his eyes closed, Jace and Simon have nothing on their upper bodies, Simon, Izzy, and Clary pressing shirts and jackets on Alec to keep him stable, Jace pacing back and forth in a panic. Izzy isn't much better as she looks to be on the verge of crying as she begs her brother to wake up and telling him that everything is going to be all right.

"What happened?" Magnus asks. He's baffled that Alec has chosen to come on a hunt tonight after finding out he's going to be a father, it's also the Shadowhunter's first hunt in months after getting promoted to run the Institute.

"It was supposed to be a simple mission, take out a few Shax demons, go home." Izzy explains. "But we got split up and the biggest one went for Alec, he was able to kill it but not before it took its claw and cut Alec down from his chest to his stomach. Please, Magnus, you have to help him."

Magnus may not be on good terms with Alec recently, but there is not a chance that he is going to let the father of his child die. (Mostly so Magnus can scold him when he wakes up for doing something so dangerous and stupid.)

Gritting his teeth Magnus tells them, "Jace, Simon, grab Alec by his arms and legs. Clary, Izzy, keep the pressure on him. I'll open a portal to my loft; I can be much more of help there."

Everyone does as he says as Magnus opens a portal, so they can get Alec safely through without any trouble.

Back in his apartment Magnus starts grabbing potions as Jace and Simon place Alec on the couch that the young Alpha cleaned months ago. Magnus instructs Clary and Izzy to stop applying pressure to Alec's wound and to take the shirts and jackets off, so he can get a good look at the injury.

The Omega does not like what he sees. The wound is just barely deep from it being very critical and life threatening. Taking a deep breath Magnus leaves his potions and starts using his magic to rid the wound of any possible infections and closing it.

"Get me the vial on the third shelf that is clear." Magnus orders.

Jace is the one to bring him the vial. "Please tell me you can bring him back. I can barely feel him." That isn't reassuring. If Alec starts slipping now, how can he yell at him for doing this?

"Did anything else happen while Alec was battling the Shax demon?"

"He knelt to the ground, like he was in pain." Surprisingly it's Simon who answers. "I though the demon already got him, but then the demon lifted its claw----"

"And there is no sign that he is hurt anywhere else besides this cut." Izzy finishes.

Pain? Why would Alec be in pain before the demon even hurt him? They're mates and Magnus hasn't even felt any sort of pain tonight. Not even Jace is hurt badly enough for it to have an effect on Alec.

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